In this study, two instruments were used: professional identity questionnaire and critical thinking scale. Pearson's correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling (SEM) were run to analyze the relationships among the components. The results revealed that all three sub-constructs of professional...
Each question in this questionnaire is given a score from 1 to 7 on a 7-point scale from never true to always true. According to the score range of 15 to 105, the average score of 15 to 45 shows low moral courage, the average score of 46 to 75 shows moderate moral courage, and ...
2.2.1. Critical thinking disposition scale (CTDS) The CTDS is a psychometric self-reported questionnaire composed of 11 items that assess an individual's predisposition to develop and use critical thinking. The items can be classified into two dimensions: critical openness (this dimension is compos...
Critical thinking, in the context of AI education, involves the ability to analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and create reasoned arguments, all within the framework of AI-driven environments. This skill is increasingly important as AI becomes more prevalent in various aspects of lif...
For the evaluation of learning of the discussion material, participants were tested before and after the intervention with a researcher-developed questionnaire consisting of 36 multiple-choice questions on various epidemiological topics. Since there is no validated Turkish scale measuring CA or epidemiology...
In this study, the total reliability of the questionnaire was calculated via Cronbach’s alpha which was found to be .79. This test was administered to both control and experimental group twice, once as pretest and the other as posttest. 3.3. Procedure The present study was conducted over th...
Conclusions: The CTDA is a reliable and valid questionnaire to evaluate the disposition of medical students towards critical thinking in China and can reasonably be applied in critical thinking programs and medical education research. Keywords: Critical thinking disposition, Medical students, China, ...
Descriptive statistics generated from the questionnaire data disclosed that the 1026 participants exhibited decreasing but acceptable levels respectively in TA, LE and CT. Correlation analyses manifested the significant effects of both technology acceptance and learner engagement on critical thinking. Regression...
The second question on identity was also open-ended and the last one in the questionnaire: “Finally, who do you identify with the most? [e.g., nationality, community of descent, public and private personalities, etc.].” Neither “black” nor “Afro-descendant” was the most frequently ...