This study is conducted to determine the high school students' critical thinking skills. The study is descriptive and done with the survey model. In order to measure the critical thinking skills of the students a 5 point Likert-type questionnaire composed of 21 questions is developed by the ...
(LO10) Point out violations of the rules of good questionnaire construction in the following questions. The questions do not come from the same questionnaire. (LO10) How many days on the average do you wear a pair of socks before changing? (The first question in a survey conducted by ...
2.2.1. Critical thinking disposition scale (CTDS) The CTDS is a psychometric self-reported questionnaire composed of 11 items that assess an individual's predisposition to develop and use critical thinking. The items can be classified into two dimensions: critical openness (this dimension is compos...
The present discussion examines the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational settings, focusing on the necessity for AI literacy, prompt engineering proficiency, and enhanced critical thinking skills. The introduction of AI into education marks a significant departure from convent...
A survey prepared by the researcher was applied in the scope of the study so as to reveal teacher opinions on the subject. After receiving expert opinions and making required reliability and validity calculations, finalized questionnaire was administered to the participant teachers. At the end of ...
Descriptive statistics generated from the questionnaire data disclosed that the 1026 participants exhibited decreasing but acceptable levels respectively in TA, LE and CT. Correlation analyses manifested the significant effects of both technology acceptance and learner engagement on critical thinking. Regression...
Questionnaire survey of pre-registration house officers' experiences of critical appraisal in the Mersey Deanery. Context Workload pressures may lead pre-registration house officers (PRHOs) to undervalue critical appraisal and thinking skills. This study aimed to explo... T Doran,G Maudsley,H ...
A self- administered questionnaire was applied in the survey. The anonymity of participants was guaranteed and all of students voluntarily took part in the study. It took ap- proximately 15 to 20 min to submit the questionnaire. Instrument The questionnaire consisted of two components: part A ...
A total of 204 participants completed a critical thinking test, self-directed learning questionnaire and a writing task. The results revealed significant correlations between critical thinking skills, self-directed learning competence, and AI-assisted writing. However, the temporal correlations between ...
[CAAP] test; Pike, 1989; American College Testing [ACT]; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991; Cornell Critical Thinking Test [CCTT]; Gibbs, 1985) as well as self-reported scales (e.g., modified Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire [MSLQ]; Nold, 2017) have been developed and validated...