[CAAP] test; Pike, 1989; American College Testing [ACT]; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991; Cornell Critical Thinking Test [CCTT]; Gibbs, 1985) as well as self-reported scales (e.g., modified Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire [MSLQ]; Nold, 2017) have been developed and validated...
2.2.1. Critical thinking disposition scale (CTDS) The CTDS is a psychometric self-reported questionnaire composed of 11 items that assess an individual's predisposition to develop and use critical thinking. The items can be classified into two dimensions: critical openness (this dimension is compos...
thinking into dental school curriculum, they are limited by small sample sizes and the use of single outcome measures. In addition, Thamasitboon et al.’ s study was limited by a low response rate and the disadvantages inherent to using a questionnaire with a rating scale. There is li...
This article aimed to investigate the interrelationships among technology acceptance, learner engagement and critical thinking. Descriptive statistics generated from the questionnaire data disclosed that the 1026 participants exhibited decreasing but acceptable levels respectively in TA, LE and CT. Correlation ...
The students' critical thinking disposition was measured by California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory Scale (CCTDI). Also, the usefulness of mobile learning systems (UMLS), a questionnaire adapted by Motiwalla (2007), was used to collect data. The data was analyzed us...
PDF 引用 收藏 共1个版本 开学季特惠,9月3日-11月30日,专业版用户每周AI豆3倍膨胀,快来领取吧!摘要原文 Abstract Background Process skills such as critical thinking and information processing are commonly stated outcomes for STEM undergraduate degree programs, but instructors often do not explicitly ...
Fourth, the CTDA could only measure the dispositions or traits of critical think- ing which cannot assess for critical thinking skills. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate promising applicability of the CTDA, since the questionnaire is of good reliability and validity to measuring the CTD amongst ...
For studies using a continuous outcome measure (e.g., a sum over self-administered items in a questionnaire), Cohen’s d (Borenstein et al. 2009) is the standard to express effect size. Meta-analysis, then, under certain prerequisites, amalgamates the d values of numerous studies into a ...
The second part was the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory, which was created by Facione in 1990 [17]. This questionnaire has 75 questions ranging from completely agree (score 6) to completely disagree (score 1) and has seven subscales of truth-seeking (12 questions), open-...
Therefore, a specific questionnaire was distributed at least one week before, conducting a single face-to-face interview to define concepts and to weight the relationships in the adjacency matrices of the FCM approach. Regarding the case study, the results show that the most crucial concepts are ...