2.2.1. Critical thinking disposition scale (CTDS) The CTDS is a psychometric self-reported questionnaire composed of 11 items that assess an individual's predisposition to develop and use critical thinking. The items can be classified into two dimensions: critical openness (this dimension is compos...
The second part was the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory, which was created by Facione in 1990 [17]. This questionnaire has 75 questions ranging from completely agree (score 6) to completely disagree (score 1) and has seven subscales of truth-seeking (12 questions), open-...
In this study, the total reliability of the questionnaire was calculated via Cronbach’s alpha which was found to be .79. This test was administered to both control and experimental group twice, once as pretest and the other as posttest. 3.3. Procedure The present study was conducted over th...
Theorization and research about critical thinking also has a long tradition in the field of the psychology of learning (Ennis,2018; Kuhn,1999), and its application extends far beyond science education (Dwyer et al.,2014). Indeed, the development of critical thinking is commonly accepted as being...
critical thinking skillsassessment tooldevelopment questionnaireCritical Thinking has been defined by Thayer-Bacon (2000) as an unbiased, neutral, objective, universal activity which relies mainly on the superior tool of reason. In the course of training managers Critical Thinking is seen as a strategy...
For studies using a continuous outcome measure (e.g., a sum over self-administered items in a questionnaire), Cohen’s d (Borenstein et al. 2009) is the standard to express effect size. Meta-analysis, then, under certain prerequisites, amalgamates the d values of numerous studies into a ...
This study employed a semi-structure questionnaire to explore the understanding of the nature of critical thinking on from the college teachers. Most Chinese scholars believed that they have known the nature of critical thinking, but they couldn't agree with others. The key words such as "reason...
Fifteen teachers (n = 15) were invited to a focus group discussion in which they were asked to complete a questionnaire and, subsequently, to openly analyze their answers. The results show that the majority of teachers used computational thinking as an assessment criterion and stated that they ...
[CAAP] test; Pike, 1989; American College Testing [ACT]; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991; Cornell Critical Thinking Test [CCTT]; Gibbs, 1985) as well as self-reported scales (e.g., modified Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire [MSLQ]; Nold, 2017) have been developed and validated...
This article aimed to investigate the interrelationships among technology acceptance, learner engagement and critical thinking. Descriptive statistics generated from the questionnaire data disclosed that the 1026 participants exhibited decreasing but acceptable levels respectively in TA, LE and CT. Correlation ...