LinAssistantHsiu-HungAssistantWangAssistantEBSCO_AspJournal of Nursing ResearchHwang HL, Lin HS, Wang HH. The revised critical thinking skills scale for a life-and-death course: preliminary scale refinement. J Nurs Res. 2010;18(4):299-310....
The Revised Critical Thinking Skills Scale for a Life-and-Death Course: Preliminary Scale Refinement. Background: Death education involves acquiring knowledge, changing behavior, and developing proper views of life in both the affective and the value domain... HL Hwang,HS Lin,HH Wang - 《Journal...
Content validity is presumably high because the items are based on the constructs that are most frequently mentioned in descriptions of critical thinking. Three small-scale studies mentioned in the manual for the HCTA reported moderate correlations between scores on the constructed-response and forced...
Paranormal beliefs and critical thinking skills across three levels of an undergraduate degree in psychology. Dr Janet Pitman, University of Glamorgan, In reflecting on the relationship between general cognitive ability and paranormal belief, one area of enquiry has been to consid...
The purpose of this study was to establish interrater reliability of the Critical Thinking Scale (CTS), a teacher-accessible tool designed to measure the critical thinking of baccalaureate nursing students as evidenced in their reflective writing about their practice experiences.The study is an extensi...
An overall score of critical thinking skills (OVERALL Score). OVERALL is reported on a 100-point scale accompanied by a qualitative rating (Superior, Strong, Moderate, Weak, Not Manifested), and a comparison percentile score. Scores for each cognitive skill metric. These metrics are scored on ...
scale. There is little practice-based evidence suggesting how to implement critical thinking changes in dental education. Some studies with small samples of undergraduate students have shown that a moderate infusion of critical thinking instruction can enhance critical thinking skills without the in...
Critical Thinking Ability Scale (CTAS) for College Students/Park (1999) Assess dimensions of CT of college students 20 items measured using a Likert scale 1 =absolutely do not agree to 5 =absolutely agree Cronbach's alpha was found to be .74 (Park, 1999) Total scores have a possible range...
The data were collected through The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory which was adapted by Kökdemir (2003) into Turkish. The overall reliability coefficient of the scale was found .89 and the scale consisted of 75 items. The scale has 7 subscales (Analyticity, inquisitiveness, ...
Next, a seventy two-item critical thinking checklist based on Likert-scale and consisting of twelve skills; namely, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, deduction, induction, balanced-thinking, multiple perspective-taking, creative thinking, building community of thinkers, and ...