a2b21.sam'" [1] "'/PATH/TO/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.2.0/BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm6.RbowtieCtoT/alignmentIndex/bowtieIndexGtoA' -1 '/scratch/boulanger/tmp/RtmpOSr6zM/GJFV9_Drosophila_SMF_23s002742-1-1_Li_lane1NMB5_1_sequence.txt.gz_val_1.fq.gz3d3886479912f7.fastq_readsCtoT_...
I have a bunch of PAF files that I would like to use with samtools mpileup to recover the read coverage for a given a list of genomic position. *Those PAFs are the results of ONT reads alignments against a reference. As mpileup works with SAM/BAM format I would like to convert my PAF...
bwa mem-M-t16Staphylococcus_aureus.fastaERR043371_1.fastqERR043371_2.fastq>output.sam sam文件转换为bam 代码语言:javascript 复制 samtools view-Soutput.sam-Obam-o output.bam bam文件排序 代码语言:javascript 复制 samtools sort output.bam-@16-Obam-o output.sorted.bam 计算覆盖度 代码语言:javascript...