在这个Oculus和Unity工程师的联合演讲中,两人将介绍Unity在Quest开发方面的最新进展。具体来说,他们将介绍Vulkan API、XR插件系统、开发迭代时间改进和通用渲染管道等讯息。13. New Ways to Prepare, Promote, and Monetize Oculus Store产品经理Raisah Aziz+Oculus开发者支持工程师Giselle Gomez+FRL产品经理Greg Smith ...
Oculus is bringing a variety of popular Oculus Go apps to Quest. Between now and the end of the year, the company will also offer free upgrades for owners of paid Oculus Go apps, so you can get the Quest version if it already exists. Starting next week, you can access more...
所以为了保证一致性,我们正在改动当前的所有产品线,以及未来的产品……因此,我们正在简化我们的品牌架构,并逐步远离OculusQuest。我们希望明确Quest是Meta的产品。从2022年年初开始,你将会看到我们从Oculus Quest from Facebook转向Meta Quest,以及从Oculus App转向Meta Quest App。” 2. Horizon Home 虚拟现实是一个社交...
Epic 和 Unity 也会在整个活动过程中举办各自的工作坊,让参会者自己的 VR 游戏和应用得到零距离接触的优化支持和性能加强支持。 以下为 Connect 的骨干演讲: 为Oculus Touch 打造 ‘Toybox’——Oculus 公司,手柄软件技术负责人 Matt Alderman 以及社交内容负责人 Brandon Dillon 移动VR 的极致性能优化——Oculus 公...
在这个Oculus和Unity工程师的联合演讲中,两人将介绍Unity在Quest开发方面的最新进展。具体来说,他们将介绍Vulkan API、XR插件系统、开发迭代时间改进和通用渲染管道等讯息。 13. New Ways to Prepare, Promote, and Monetize Oculus Store产品经理Raisah Aziz+Oculus开发者支持工程师Giselle Gomez+FRL产品经理Greg Smith ...
Quest for Business将允许你使用办公帐户而非Facebook账户登录Quest 2头显,从而允许与同事协作并从Oculus Store访问生产力应用程序,如Horizon Workrooms和Gravity Sketch。Quest for Business同时允许公司能够访问需要的专用平台功能,如帐户管理、移动设备管理(MDM)解决方案、SSO集成等。
实际上,Quest已经支持物理键盘,如罗技键盘,但一直局限于Home环境中的2D应用,如Oculus Browser。对于将于明年年初发布的Tracked Keyboard SDK,它将能支持所有的VR应用,并帮助开发者为用户提升应用体验。 6.4. Voice SDK(实验性) Voice SDK(实验性)将在下一版本中提供。Voice SDK是一组自然语言功能,可允许开发者创建...
Unite 15 and Oculus Connect 2. Unite was is Boston, and since I live there, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be a part of that. Unfortunately the two conferences were one after the other and even overlapped for a day. This made for a fun but exhausting week of Unity and VR....
Install the Microsoft Mesh app for Meta Quest devices from theOculus App Labs For Custom Immersive spaces downloadMicrosoft Mesh from the Windows Store To use the standard Mesh features, including avatars and immersive spaces in Teams meetings, you need a Microsoft 365 or Teams business plan. ...
Oculus Quest Tech Details Photo by Road to VR Today we also learned from Oculus today about what makes the headset tick. The 1,600 × 1,440 per-eye displays are OLED with a PenTile sub-pixel layout, Oculus confirmed toRoad to VR, which brings many of the same upsides and downsides th...