难道需要到一个点位后,再继续传输下一个点位,然后在同一个扫描(执行)周期内把Execute参数先设置为false然后再设置为true? 假如调用了MC_MoveLinearAbsolute,应该就不用插补器了。因为这个功能块应该内部已经插补了。大概研究了一下SMC_GroupUpdateContinueData 这个功能块,它可能是和其他功能块配合实现运动时暂停然后再...
在此功能块执行完( Execute的上升沿为开始,Done为True为结束)之后,传送带上工件的坐标系会被关联至机械手上PCS坐标系中。关联之后,这个坐标系可能还会绑定了传送带的位移之类,成为一个动态坐标系。 当机械手需要走到工件的上方时,只需要在调用MC_MoveLinearAbsolute等运动功能块时,指定目标位置的坐标系统使用PCS即可。
Hello all I use an axis group with two linear axes in a kinematic system. Using MC_MoveLinearAbsolute and MC_MoveLinearRelative, I am trying to realise dynamic movements (set velocity: 1 m/s, set acceleration: 30 m/s^2) with the highest possible jerk, as I want to compare this with...
名称: CODESYS运动控制指令手册 时间: 2024-5-13 上传者: 0865 其他信息: 《 CODESYS运动控制指令手册(2024-5-13)》电子宣传画册作品由0865于2024-5-13制作并发布于云展网电子画册制作平台。云展网是电子画册,企业宣传册,期刊杂志在线制作平台,一键上传PDF即转为逼真的3D翻页画册,或直接套用模板,生成永久有...
MC_MoveLinearAbsolute, Override: VelFactor zero "0" can leave the FB in a non-quit state Cannot Reproduce[[GENERAL]] Fixed with SM-2276 for version SM-3239Bug Settings: Unhandled Exception on creating new project Fixed SM-3207Bug ...
- To move the motor using "MC_MoveRelative_SML" (a relative move of the motors position as opposed to an absolute) you need to set the variable "Move_Motor_Pos" to "True" (in the same way as above). You may have to do this step twice to see the motor move, this is a bug w...
MC_ GroupInterrupt MC_ TrackRot aryT able MC_ GroupEnable MC_ Group Continue MC_ GroupDisable MC_MoveLinearAbsolute MC_ SetKinTransform MC_MoveLinearRelative MC_ Set CartesianTransform MC_MoveCircularAb solute MC_ Set CoordinateTran sform MC_MoveCircularRelative MC_ReadKinTran sform MC_Move...
When I load the SMC_GroupWait command twice in a row into the buffer an error occurs when I try to MC_MoveLinearRelative in the dynamic coordinate system. If I use MC_MoveLinearAbsolute in the dynamic coordinate system, it still works ...