Acceleration:= 100000, Deceleration:= 100000, Jerk:= 100000, Direction:= MC_Direction.fastest, BufferMode:= , Done=> Abs_Done, Busy=> Abs_Busy, Active=> Abs_Active, CommandAborted=> Abs_CommandAborted, Error=> , ErrorID=> );
详情可以查看Codesys运动控制手册。 运行了MC_CamTableSelect功能块后,在运行该功能块可以使得Slave从周进行凸轮运行状态(Synchronized_Motion,即Axis.nAxisState=6),并且每个EtherCat任务周期,系统军执行一次功能块,根据主轴当前位置和凸轮表,计算从周的下一个目标位置,若没有运行MC_CamTableSelect功能块,触发该功能块就... Execute触发条件和Enable触发条件 Execute只采集上微分,MC_Stop、MC_Home、MC_MoveRelative 使用的是execute触发条件。 Enable需要一个常on的信号才能一直工作,信号为off时就会停止。 11.5.转矩控制 MC_TorqueControl需要先停止轴再启动。 MC_TorqueControl拧螺丝的问题,达到设定的最大力矩的时候会立马减小力矩,...
MC_Power2(Enable:=TRUE, bRegulatorOn:=TRUE, bDriveStart:=TRUE, Axis:=Axis_FlyCut,); MC_Power1(Enable:=TRUE, bRegulatorOn:=TRUE, bDriveStart:=TRUE, Axis:=Axis_CONVERY,); MC_Power3(Enable:=TRUE, bRegulatorOn:=TRUE, bDriveStart:=TRUE, Axis:=Axis_ZJ,); Inited:= MC_Power1.Status AN...
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the chronological sequence of the FB relative to the previous block. If the function block is Busy, then only BufferMode=Aborting is allowed. Output Done BOOL TRUE: End position has been reached. Busy BOOL TRUE: Function block is in operation. If no further...
Other industrial control vendors such as Siemens design a VM named MC7 to interpret and execute PLC tasks. Setting a password can mitigate the vulnerability, but password protection is not enabled by default for emulators and real PLC devices. An attacker can create a malicious project, ...
I did check all these parameters, but if the PlanningTask takes up to 60 ms, I can't increase the Buffer to such values. I contacted the Codesys support with a projectarchive. Let's see if they can help. Thanks again for your great support! 9 months ago ...
MC_GroupReadStatus: Add new outputs CurrentPlanningForecast and CurrentSyncBufferDuration Fixed SM-4478Improvement SMC_ChangeDynamicLimits: The documentation should include, that the values are interpreted based on the gear output Fixed SM-4472Bug ...
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE True, 从轴达到目标速度。Output InGear 齿轮比到达 BOOL True,正在执行指令Busy 执行中 BOOL True,被其他控制指令中断Active BOOL 异常发生时,置为TRUECommandAborted 中断 BOOL FALSE 异常发生时,输出错误代码Error 错误 BOOL True, 从轴达到目标速度ErrorID 错误代码 SMC_ERROR True,...
memset 目录memset 基础知识:常见用法:代码实现:其他(注意): 基础知识:头文件:<string.h>函数原型:extern void *memset(void *buffer, int c, int count) (buffer:为指针或是数组 c:是赋给buffer的值 count:是b codesys中memset函数 初始化 数组