The primary difference is going to be the position of your hands, which helps with the activation of different muscle groups. While there are many variations of pull-up bars you’ll see in home gyms and commercial gyms, pull-ups are typically performed with a grip width that’s slightly wi...
Chin up vs pull up: what's the difference, which muscles are worked and most importantly, what is the best one?
Because the pull up features shoulder adduction, AKA drawing the upper arm into the side, it’s awesome for loading up the lower lats. As you reach the apex of your pull up you’ll feel this area fire away – so keep that grip wide and squeeze the life out of those lats, bro. As...
The pull-up or chin-up with a wide grip (a lot wider than shoulder-width); The pull-up with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). The differences will be discussed in a moment when we look at the load on the various muscle groups involved. First something about accelerating in ge...
Given the position and orientation of your grip, the pull-up makes it a bit harder toutilize your biceps, which forces your other muscle groups to work harder. On the other hand, the chin-up is less limited byrotator cuff strengththan the pull-up. Therefore,the chin-up can more effectiv...
So if you’re looking to target the biceps more – go with the chin-up, and if you’re looking to hit the lats more – go with a pull-up. Each variation will emphasize certain muscle groups more/less depending on the one you choose. ...
When you're comparing chin-ups vs. pull-ups, the former offers some unique muscle-building benefits that the latter doesn't. Here's the difference, plus how to do a chin-up perfectly.
6. Beef up your biceps Pull-ups and chin-ups work your lats and biceps. But, out of these two muscle groups, the biceps are invariably weaker and are the muscles that fail first. So, unless you increase biceps strength, your arms will always be the weak link that brings your set of...
19. Muscle-up with leg lift and rotation hanging from a high bar, gripping the bar with an overhand grip, and pulling yourself upwards until your chin passes the level of your hands. Then pull up further until you can get one leg off the ground, then return to the starting position. ...
Must-do muscle moves: master the chinup and pullup to build your entire body.Scott, Keith