The traditional pull-up, with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width; The chin-up, with an underhand, shoulder-wide grip; The pull-up or chin-up with a narrow grip (slightly less than shoulder-width); The pull-up or chin-up with a wide grip (a lot wider than shoulder-...
An easy way I teach newer trainees to remember the difference between the chin-up and pull-up is this.Think about your hand position when scratching your chin, your palm is facing you — that’s the hand placement for standard chin-ups. Now turn your palm out and try to scratch your c...
Sitting in the gym with sweat running down your face, you’re staring at your program, wondering why your next exercise is called a chin-up, yet last week it was called a pull-up? Let me bust your confusion! The only difference between the chin-up vs. pull-up is the hand position....
Chin up vs pull up: what's the difference, which muscles are worked and most importantly, what is the best one?
The most obvious difference between the pull-up and chin-up is the way that you grab the bar. With the pull-up, you grab the bar with a double-overhand grip. Conversely, the chin-up requires a double-underhand grip. This fundamental difference also changeshow close or how wideyou’ll ...
Pull ups vs. Chin ups (for different muscles) Top 10 tips for better Pull ups and Chin ups What you need to know To the untrained eye, the pull up and chin up might look the same. But, there’s a big difference between the boxer hitting chins after sparring and an inmate sculpting...
Pullup vs Chinup – Which One Is Better? Before I answer this question, I want you to think for a second about what’s happening at the shoulder joint when you’re doing a pullup/chinup… You’re in a hanging position, and you’re basically performing shoulder extension (pulling the ...
One noticeable difference between pullups and chin-ups is that you get more pectoralis major (pec) and biceps brachii (biceps) recruitment in a chin-up, so maybe this is a more time-effective choice if you are looking to be bigger or stronger biceps. But maybe that isn't the only type...
Bust out as many full pullups (or chinups) as you can, either un-assisted or with a resistance band. You’ve got this! Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Workout Advice How This Workout Hack Can Level Up Your Gains What Is Race Walking?
What's the Difference Between a Chin-up and Pull-Up? With chin-ups, you hold the bar with a supinated (aka underhand) grip. Image Credit:Neustockimages/iStock/GettyImages "Both chin-ups andpull-upsare great body-weight exercises that can help improve the strength and function of the ...