Ideal dissolution behavior for amorphous solid dispersions to discriminate between crystalline and amorphous drug reprinted from (50) Full size image However, non-sink dissolution conditions with sink index < 1, which show more discriminating ability, might be hard to implement in a QC environment...
The genetic information of an organism is stored in its genome. While the genomes of some viruses are made of the molecule ribonucleic acid (RNA), the majority of genomes are comprised of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). In multicellular animals, DNA is stored in chromosomes (in the nucleus; ncD...
Huanglongbing (HLB, aka citrus greening), one of the most devastating diseases of citrus, has wreaked havoc on the global citrus industry in recent decades. The culprit behind such a gloomy scenario is the phloem-limited bacteria “Candidatus Liberibacte
To date, more than 105,600 wild plant species are conserved as seed and/or living collections in botanic gardens [9]. Their conservation takes the form not only of the living plant, seed or tissue, but also encompasses the knowledge and data associated with the individual samples and ...
Older people are likely to have damaged lungs due to smoking, inhaling polluted air particles, and weakened immunity, making them more susceptible to infection. Younger adults are also being hospitalized in the U.S. and elsewhere. Infected children appear to be less symptomatic and may act as ...