2- Fourier Transforms for Beginners - G. Jensen⑬ 00:54 Part2- 1-D Sine Waves and Their Sums - G. Jensen⑭ 32:55 Part2- 1-D Reciprocal Space - G. Jensen⑮ 20:07 Part2- 2-D Waves and Images - G. Jensen⑯ 19:16 Part2- 2-D Transforms and Filters - G. ...
Retrieved from http://cryo-em-course.caltech.edu/videos Recommended place to start for total beginners. Coursera style. MRC-LMB Electron Cryo-microscopy Course 2017 (recorded lectures). Retrieved from https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/research/scientific-training/electron-microscopy/ Jensen, G. ...
PNCC also offers workshops and training sessions for cryo-EM data processing, including a remote training opportunity for beginners.doi:10.1093/mam/ozae044.446Khoury, Irina V ElEvans, James EMicroscopy & Microanalysis
Leica ultramicrotomes guarantee precision and comfort. Thanks to the fully motorized knife stages and a wealth of technical features, even beginners can prepare perfect sections. Make perfect glass knives for perfect ultrathin sections with theEMKMR3 within minutes. ...
2- Fourier Transforms for Beginners - G. Jensen⑬ 00:54 Part2- 1-D Sine Waves and Their Sums - G. Jensen⑭ 32:55 Part2- 1-D Reciprocal Space - G. Jensen⑮ 20:07 Part2- 2-D Waves and Images - G. Jensen⑯ 19:16 Part2- 2-D Transforms and Filters - G. ...
Jensen, G. J. (2014). Getting Started in Cryo-EM. Retrieved fromhttp://cryo-em-course.caltech.edu/videos Recommended place to start for total beginners. Coursera style. MRC-LMB Electron Cryo-microscopy Course 2017 (recorded lectures). Retrieved fromhttps://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/research...
This chapter introduces sample preparation for both negative-staining electron microscopy (NSEM) and cryo-EM for plant proteins and macromolecular complexes and data analysis using single particle analysis for beginners.Nagaraj, Pradeep HiriyurUniversity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)...