Six main representative therapeutically tractable targets in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC).aCell cycle and DNA damage repair pathways. PARP poly (ADP)-ribose polymerase, AURKA Aurora A kinase, CHK1 checkpoint kinase 1, ATR Ataxia telangiectasia and rad3 related, RS replication stress.bMetabolism a...
2. cGAS/STING signaling pathway is crucial in maintaining cellular homeostasis The cGAS/STING pathway can be classified into canonical and non-canonical signaling pathways (Fig. 2) (Kumar, 2019, Kumar, 2021). Canonical cGAS/STING signaling governs IRF3-dependent type 1 IFN generation and NF-κB...
Deregulated production of MVA pathway metabolites modulates multiple signalling pathways in cancer cells and contributes to transformation. Clinical trials to evaluate the utility of MVA pathway inhibitors as anticancer agents have shown responses in some, but not all, patients; discovering biomarkers to ...
The DNA damage response: sensing and signaling. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 16, 629–633 (2004). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zhang, Y. & Hunter, T. Roles of Chk1 in cell biology and cancer therapy. Int. J. Cancer 134, 1013–1023 (2014). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Rothblum-Oviatt, C...
血栓形成——特别是癌症相关的血栓形成(Cancer-associated thrombosis, CAT)——是癌症带来的重大并发症,常常被忽视,却是癌症患者死亡的第二大原因。血栓形成不仅仅是血液在某一部位凝固的问题。对于癌症患者来说,血栓可能在全身范围内引发一系列致命并发症,诸如肺栓塞、脑梗塞等,这些并发症常常成为癌症患者死亡的...
3.从收到稿件到接受稿件用时:2.8个月Complex and pleiotropic signaling pathways regulated by the secreted protein augurin 4.从收到稿件到接受稿件用时:2.1个月 Regulation and therapy, the role of JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway in OA: a systematic review ...
2024年4月11日,华东师范大学医学合成生物研究中心叶海峰团队在Cell Reports Medicine杂志上发表了题为"Sonogenetics-controlled synthetic designer cells for cancer therapy in tumor mouse models"的研究论文。他们提出了一种创新的肿瘤治疗手段——利用超声波控制的细胞“生物炸弹”,对肿瘤发起精准攻击。
[1] Krysko D V, Garg A D, Kaczmarek A, Krysko O, Agostinis P, Vandenabeele P. Immunogenic cell death and DAMPs in cancer therapy.Nat Rev Cancer, 2012, 12(12): 860-875. [2] Galluzzi L, Kepp O, Hett E, Kroemer G, Marincola F M. Immunogenic cell death in cancer: concept and...
近日,来自美国匹兹堡大学的Greg M. Delgoffe在Cell Metabolism上发表了研究论文Redirecting glucose flux during in vitro expansion generates epigenetically and metabolically superior T cells for cancer immunotherapy。在本研究中,作者针对体外培养T细胞疗法的不足展开研究,开发了抑制糖酵解并增强氧化磷酸化的代谢重编程...
近日,加拿大多伦多大学黄熹教授团队和贝勒医学院Michael D. Taylor教授团队在Developmental Cell上发表了题为A forward genetic screen identifies potassium channel essentiality in SHH medulloblastoma maintenance的研究论文,该工作通过正向遗传筛选结合人类髓母细胞瘤转录组分析确定了电压门控钾通道KCNB2作为一个髓母细胞瘤...