Cholesterol and its derivatives in Sonic Hedgehog signaling and cancer. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol. 12, 736–741 (2012). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Eaton, S. Multiple roles for lipids in the Hedgehog signalling pathway. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 9, 437–445 (2008)....
adhibin, a synthetic carbazole that suppresses the migratory and adhesive properties of cancer cells by a mechanism of targeted RhoGAP class-IX myosin inhibition and selective RhoGTPase interference, both translating into migrastatic activity, opening other perspectives in cancer therapy and basic ...
Signaling pathways targeting metabolism Protein kinase A (PKA) Recent studies showed that PKA also played an important role in SCLC. PKA is a tetramer with two regulatory and two catalytic subunits. Unbinding the regulatory subunits to cyclic AMP (cAMP) activates the kinase (PKA-Ca) to promote ...
血栓形成——特别是癌症相关的血栓形成(Cancer-associated thrombosis, CAT)——是癌症带来的重大并发症,常常被忽视,却是癌症患者死亡的第二大原因。血栓形成不仅仅是血液在某一部位凝固的问题。对于癌症患者来说,血栓可能在全身范围内引发一系列致命并发症,诸如肺栓塞、脑梗塞等,这些并发症常常成为癌症患者死亡的...
40. Gül N, van Egmond M. Antibody-dependent phagocytosis of tumor cells by macrophages:a potent effector mechanism of monoclonal antibody therapy of cancer[J]. Cancer Res, 2015, 75(23):5008-5013. 41. Hayashi A, Yavas A, Mc...
可以看到Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy期刊的自引率偏低,最新的为1.6%。 对Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy期刊文章引用较多期刊中,Journal of Cellular Physiology为中科院中预警期刊,Cells为中科院低预警期刊。 总结 根据51位网友对Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy期刊的评分,声誉为9.4分、影响...
多篇高水平论文在Cell、Nature、Science Advances、Cancer Discovery、Materials Today、Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy、《中国社会科学》等顶级期刊接连发表,文、医、工、理各学科都取得新的研究进展与成果……新学期川大也呈现出新的面貌,一起来看看。华西口腔陈俊宇副教授联合国外团队在Cell发文 在骨损伤...
多篇高水平论文在Cell、Nature、Science Advances、Cancer Discovery、Materials Today、Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy、《中国社会科学》等顶级期刊接连发表,文、医、工、理各学科都取得新的研究进展与成果……新学期川大也呈现出新的面貌,一起来看看。
The cGAS/STING signaling pathway comprises a crucial cytosolic PRR system. • Altered cGAS/STING signaling supports a precancerous environment and metastasis. • The cGAS/STING pathway also serves as a potential prognostic biomarker in different cancers. • Current cancer therapies indirectly affect...
另外,在Cancer Cell同期,Vanderbilt University的Cynthia A. Reinhart-King发表了针对该工作的Preview文章Targeting Tissue Stiffness in Metastasis: Mechanomedicine Improves Cancer Therapy,对该工作进行了推介。 值得注意的是,2019年Nature biotechnology上重点报道了在另外一种死亡率极高的恶性肿瘤:胰腺癌中,首个以“Mech...