catkin build catkin build是catkin_tools包中提供的一个新的构建工具,它是catkin_make的替代品。catkin build的主要优势在于它支持并行编译,这可以显著缩短大型项目的构建时间。此外,catkin build还提供了更多的构建选项和特性,如增量构建和构建结果缓存等。然而,catkin build的缺点是需要更多的系统资源,并且在某些情况下...
GDB调试方法 | 首先在编译时 需要加上catkin build legged_ocs2_dummy --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug以保证局部变量不被优化之后找到可执行文件比如:gdb /home/zyj/catkin_ws_walkers_new/devel/lib/legged_ocs2_dummy/legged_trajectorygdb设置断点:(gdb) break file_name.cpp:45当程序有循环 可以...
Relevant portion of catkin build debug. MouDARLEK commented Oct 25, 2024 add this may help 👍 1 ️ 4 hasankiyani007 commented Oct 25, 2024 That worked! Just for info, how exactly did you come across that specific solution? I know that the error says mavlink status hasn't ...
Hi, I want to try maplab on my computer(Ubuntu16.04 + ROS kinetic), but when I run _catkin build maplab_in the directory "catkin_ws", it is shown as below: The build space at '/home/catkin_ws/build' was previously built by 'catkin_make'...
catkin build --this--no-deps [4]Build packages有额外的CMake参数: catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ... and save them to be used for the next build: catkin build --save-config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ...
1.在qt界面左下角将default改为debug. 2.qt界面左边导航栏选择preject,在build settings选项卡中CMAKE 的build directory:修改为工作空间下的build路径。 具体如下图: 修改为下图: qt 可以实现插断点调试Ros GUI界面了。 欢迎需要配置QT ROS GUI 的各位网友在下方留言,交流配置过程中的问题。最后来一张我配置好...
build: 用于存放编译过程中的缓存信息devel: 生成的目标文件(包括头文件,动态链接库,静态链接库,可执行文件等),环境变量 二.功能包 1.创建功能包 cd ~/catkin_ws/src catkin_create_pkg <package> [depend1] [depend2] [depend3] 例如:catkin_create_pkg test_pkg roscpp rospy std_msgs 2.编译功能包 ...
catkin config cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug 这将在CMake构建系统中设置一个名为CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE的变量,并将其值设置为Debug。 我们还可以通过使用-DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES和-DCATKIN_BLACKLIST_PACKAGES CMake选项来指定要构建或排除的软件包。例如,要构建特定的软件包,我们可以使用以下命令: catkin...
IF(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) #set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) #set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo) ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) #set env: set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -std=c++0x -Wfatal-errors") ...
Build android_core: cd ~/android_core_ws catkin_make Within 20 seconds I had android_core compiled. Following these steps using rosjava from source and a clean start for android_core still don't work for you? 如果按照这个来还有问题,就检查一下你的gradle的版本 更新的方法见: https://y...