Fast View SwitchAlt + MMB (drag)Show All ObjectsHome Zoom to regionShift + B Object Mode (3D...
all_text = "显示全部物体" else: low_text = "Show low" high_text = "Show high" all_text = "Show all objects" 添加按钮 row = layout.row(align=True) row.operator("object.show_objects", text=low_text, icon="ZOOM_OUT").suffix = "low" row.operator("object.show_objects", text=high...
Show 37、All Layers:查看全部图层,快捷键为。Zoom Border:视图缩放至框选区域,快捷键为Shift+B。Clipping Border:视图只显示框选区域,快捷键为Alt+B。Align View:视图排列方式,其中Align View to Selected为视图视角的对齐方式,如图2-24所示为视图转换方式的二级菜单,其中列举了各视图间相互转换时的快捷键。 图...
space.overlay.show_axis_x = False space.overlay.show_axis_y = False space.overlay.show_cursor = False space.overlay.show_object_origins = False N_PLANETS = 6 START_FRAME = 1 END_FRAME = 200 # setup scene settings setup_scene() # ... # deselect all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all...
Inverse/Select/Deselect All:反选/全选/取消全选,快捷键为Ctrl+I和A。 3.2.4? 网格菜单如图3-26所示,为Edit(编辑)模式下的Mesh(网格)菜单,这里提供了全面的建模操作工具。 ? (点击查看大图)图3-26? Mesh网格菜单 Show Hidden(显示与隐藏)网格菜单 Show/Hide:如图3-27所示,为隐藏显示的二级菜单...
F11 Show Last Render 回显上个渲染 General——通用 Shift+A Add Object 添加物体菜单 ESC Stops ongoing operation——停止当前操作 TAB Toggles Edit/Object mode——切换编辑/物体模式 Z Toggles Solid/Wireframe display——切换实体/线框显示模式 Ctrl+G Add to Group 添加到群组 ...
show all handles:显示全部控制杆,快捷键为ctrl+h 。automerge keyframes :自动合并最近的两个关键帧,适用于对曲线做自动清理。show slid 65、ers :在通道名的旁边显示属性框。show cursor :开启在曲线上显示十字形光标。show frame number indicator:在时间轴上显示当前帧数。realtime updates:启用曲线与场景的实时...
Global view shows all of the 3D objects in the scene. Local view isolates the selected object or objects, so that they are the only ones visible in the viewport. This is useful for working on objects that are obscured by other ones, or to speed up viewport performance in heavy scenes. ...
Additional operators for switching visibility of objects within the SCS Game Object of active object: Invert Visibility - inverts visibility of all objects. View All - shows all objects. Isolate - show all objects within SCS Game Object of active object and hide all other objects in scene....
Editing Objects in Edit Mode To enter Edit mode, select the object to be edited and press Tab. You’ll see that the object turns yellow and all of the edges highlight. Look down to the bottom toolbar, to three icons that show little cubes. These icons tell you which select mode you...