Select AllA Deselect AllAlt + A or A,A Marquee Box SelectB or LMB (drag)Circle SelectC Lasso SelectCtrl + RMB Invert SelectionCtrl + i Select LinkedShift + L Select SimilarShift + G Select from manyAlt + LMB Shading (3D viewport)Shading Pie MenuZ Toggle X-RayAlt + Z Pie Menus Pivo...
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')# Set the 'select' property of the datablock to[objName].select =True# Select only 'Cube'mySelector('Cube')# Select 'Sphere', keeping other selectionsmySelector('Sphere', additive=True)# Translate selected objects 1 unit a...
Select AllA Deselect AllAlt + A or A,A Marquee Box SelectB or LMB (drag)Circle SelectC Lasso...
Select the downloaded fileCheck the ‘Bézier Utilities’ option in the add-ons dialogAfter installation, a new tab: ‘Bézier Utilities’ is displayed in Object and Edit modes on ‘Active Tool and Workspace settings’ area on the properties panel. There will also appear two new buttons - ...
Select/Deselect All:全选,快捷键为A。 Circle Select:笔触选择模式,快捷键为C。激活后鼠标将变成一个圈,使用LMB做选择操作,MMB调节选择笔触的尺寸。 Border Select:框选模式,快捷键为B。区别于笔触选取,该模式需要使用鼠标拖拽出一个矩形范围框。如图2-32所示为两种选择方式的区别,左图为Circle选择模式,右图为...
1、Blender的快捷键及操作技巧常用技巧:通用操作操作热键删除Delete全部删除Ctrl+XScaleS对象模式/编辑模式转换(Object mode / Edit mode)Tab全选或取消全选所有顶点(Select/Deselect al vertices)A选择界线(Border select)B抓取模式(Grab mode)G视图操作热键前面观(Frontview)Numpad 1侧面观(Sideview)Numpad 3俯视图(...
1、Blender的快捷键及操作技巧常用技巧:通用操作操作热键删除Delete全部删除Ctrl+XScaleS对象模式/编辑模式转换(Object mode / Edit mode)Tab全选或取消全选所有顶点(Select/Deselect al vertices)A选择界线(Border select)B抓取模式(Grab mode)G视图操作热键前面观(Frontview)Numpad 1侧面观(Sideview)Numpad 3俯视图(...
Modelling in Edit Mode 26. Object Vs Edit Mode Part 1 A first look at getting “under the hood” of 3d objects: in edit mode we get access to the vertices, edges and polygons that 3d objects are composed of. Now the real process of modelling can begin. ...
5. Change the settings in the Left-Bottom Menu. How to rotate and extrude with many cuts : Rotate the selected face press Q key to confirm Check the option box "Rotate Extrude" Increase the number of copies Supported Version blender 2.83 or above ...
If you dont found the Loop Cut and Slide function. Be sure you are in EditMode. Selecting Vertices, Edges, and Faces Use Shift+ right mouse could do the multi selection. Or you can simplify by: Box Select In EditMode, press B for Box Select mode, hold down the left mouse button and...