选择顶点,然后按 S,X,0 然后按N打开侧面板选择全局,设置X值为0 In Edit mode select the vertices and Scale to 0 on the axis at issue, in this example on the X axis (SX0): Now that all the vertices are in the same position on that axis, all their positions can be set (in this ex...
选择(Select)全选(Select All)[A](A键)取消全选(Deselect All)[A, A](A键,A键)框选(...
A Select all. 全部选择。 Alt-A Select none. 取消选择。 Ctrl-I Invert selection. 反选。 H Hide selection. 隐藏选择。 Alt-H Reveal hidden items. 取消隐藏。 T Toggle Toolbar. 切换显示工具栏。 N Toggle Sidebar. 切换显示侧栏。 3D视图快捷键 3D Viewport Keys 3D视图快捷键 Tab Edit-mode togg...
Select All by Type https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/dev/scene_layout/object/types.html 选择 Object物体 选择活动相机 Select Active Camera 选择 全部 镜像选择 Mirror Selection 选择 Object物体 随机选择 Select Random 选择 Object物体 扩展/缩减选择 More/Less ...
Select with:决定使用鼠标左键还是右键来选择物体,默认为右键。 Double Click:设置用于判断鼠标双击动作的间隔时间。 Emulate Numpad:如果键盘没有小键盘区,开启这个功能后数字键0~9可用来代替NumPAD。 Orbit Style:习惯使用Maya的用户可开启Turntable来设置视图控制方式。 Zoom Style:修改控制视图的缩放方式。 Invert ...
(which is more common for high performance titles), then the vast majority of these machines will be running Windows XP. By the time machines with CPU speeds above 1.2GHz were being sold, Windows XP was installed as the default operating system by almost all manufacturers. This means that ...
Smarty wrote: ↑16 Jun 2021 21:11 What happens if you select the vertices in the opposite order before assigning them? I have same problem with upside-down terrain of prefab. Does it mean, that vertext must be always on right or left side from node?
Select an existing curve object in the Copy Object Properties option in the toolbar to apply its properties like material, dimension, bevel depth, bevel object on to the curves / shapes drawn with the Flexi Bézier Tool. If a mesh object is selected, only its material is applied to the cu...
Move vertices around to match the placement in Figure 3.9. There should be four faces for the eventual arm 35、 extrusion; select all of them and align them by pressing S to scale and X to limit that scaling to the x-axis. Then press numeric 0 to flatten the polygons along the x-...