Most commonly reported problem with biotin interference is wrong diagnosis of hyperthyroidism due to falsely lower TSH value but falsely elevated FT4 and Ft3 values due to biotin interference. A serious problem is missed diagnosis of myocardial infarction due to falsely lower toponym I or troponin T...
Table 2: Potential some potential errors in hormone testing, due to biotin interference [9]欢迎关...
(TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD), serological markers have received less attention in the literature, although several manufacturers have highlighted the risk of biotin interference in their package inserts [11]...
. Assessment of biotin interference with qualitative point-of-care hcg test devices. Clinical biochemistry. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from Li, D., Ferguson, A., Cervinski, M. A., Lynch, K. L., & Kyle, P. B. (2020, January 13). AACC ...
The FDA is particularly concerned about biotininterferencecausing a falsely low result for troponin. The agency said in a statement that it continues to receive reports of cases in which biotin interference caused falsely low troponin results. The FDA first issued a safety communication on this issue...
Most of the published research on biotin interference covers hormone tests, such asparathyroid hormone (PTH),thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH),T4andT3tests, as well as tests for troponin. However, because biotin is used in so many immunoassays, scientists say it could interfere with many others....
Interference by biotin therapy on measurement of TSH and FT4 by enzyme immunoassay on Boehringer Mannheim ES700 analyser. Ann Clin Biochem. 1996;33(pt 2):162-163.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 33. Kwok JS-S, Chan IH-S, Chan MH-M. Biotin interference on TSH and free thyroid hormone ...
What are the Side-effects of Biotin? While biotin is generally considered safe when taken within recommended dosages, excessive supplementation may lead to potential side effects: Interference with Lab Tests: High doses of biotin can interfere with certain laboratory tests, including those measuring ...
Direct conjugates benefit from lower background, no interference from molecules like biotin released by lysed cells, and consistent performance. 直接标记的抗体背景较低,没有裂解细胞释放 的生 物素造 成干 扰, 重复性较好。 [...] Phosphorous, Iron, Sodium, Magnesium, Copper...
The high affinity and specificity of the biotin interaction with NeutrAvidin and streptavidin obviate interference by non-biotin-containing compounds. The reagents are inexpensive and can be applied to any misfolding/oligomerizing peptide or protein that can be biotinylated at a single site. 展开 ...