While autophagy is intimately linked to health, the intricate relationship among autophagy, aging and disease remains unclear. This Review examines several emerging features of autophagy and postulates how they may be linked to aging as well as to the development and progression of disease. In ...
While autophagy is intimately linked to health, the intricate relationship among autophagy, aging and disease remains unclear. This Review examines several emerging features of autophagy and postulates how they may be linked to aging as well as to the development and progression of disease. In ...
While autophagy is intimately linked to health, the intricate relationship among autophagy, aging and disease remains unclear. This Review examines several emerging features of autophagy and postulates how they may be linked to aging as well as to the development and progression of disease. In ...
It has become clear in recent years that autophagy not only serves to produce amino acids for ongoing protein synthesis and to produce substrates for energy production when cells become starved but autophagy is also able to eliminate defective cell structures and for this reason the pr...
Aging involves the systemic deterioration of all known cell types in most eukaryotes. Several recently discovered compounds that extend the healthspan and lifespan of model organisms decelerate pathways that govern the aging process. Among these geroprot
Aging involves the systemic deterioration of all known cell types in most eukaryotes. Several recently discovered compounds that extend the healthspan and lifespan of model organisms decelerate pathways that govern the aging process. Among these geroprot
14. Ueno T, Komatsu M. Autophagy in the liver: functions in health and disease. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017;14:170-184. 15. Wang Z, Zhang H. Phase separation, transition, and autophagic degradation of proteins in development and pathogenesis. Trends Cell Biol 2019;29:417-427. ...
Signallingandautophagyregulationin health,aginganddisease AlfredJ.Meijer a, * ,PatriceCodogno b a DepartmentofMedicalBiochemistry,AcademicMedicalCenter,Meibergdreef15, 1105AZAmsterdam,TheNetherlands b INSERMU756,Faculte´dePharmacie,Universite´Paris-Sud11,92296Chaˆtenay-Malabry,France ...
Selective mitochondrial autophagy, or mitophagy, as a targeted defense against oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and aging 2005, Rejuvenation Research Autophagy and signaling: Their role in cell survival and cell death 2005, Cell Death and Differentiation Autophagy in health and disease: A dou...
Dysfunctional autophagy has been observed in ageing tissues and several ageing-associated diseases. Lifespan of model organisms such as yeast, worms, flies, and mice can be extended through promoting autophagy, either by genetic manipulations such as over-expression of Sirtuin 1, or by ...