class in Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe 描述 使用AsyncReadManager,可以通过 Unity 的虚拟文件系统执行异步 I/O 操作。可以在任何线程或作业上执行这些操作。 静态函数 Read发出一个异步文件读取操作。返回 ReadHandle。
using UnityEngine; using Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe; class AsyncReadManagerMetricsSample :MonoBehaviour{ const int maxNumberFrames = 10; public void Start() { #if ENABLE_PROFILER && UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWERAsyncReadManagerMetrics.StartCollectingMetrics(); #endif } ...
UWA_Xin2020年02月28日 @剑影蒙残Unity的异步加载并不是完全Stream化的,所以,即便有时间片,但是如果一个资源或者文件过大,那么引擎也会在这一帧中加载完才会结束,所以这样的加载时间就很有可能超过时间片了。 回复 赞 - 没有更多啦 -您的解答提交 热门问题 62UWA DAY 2018 活动帖 25UWA DAY 2020 22关于热...
usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.IO;usingUnity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe;#if UNITY_EDITORusingUnityEditor;usingUnityEditor.Experimental;#endifpublicstaticclassAssetLoadMetrics{privatestaticreadonlyDictionary<string,string>_assetByArtifact;staticAssetLoadMetrics(){#if UNITY_EDITOR// Artifact ファイル名を...
AsyncReadManager.SyncRequest> File.Read 耗时 如图 异步加载预制体的时候会有峰值, 仔细一看是这个函数导致的 请问是什么原因? 如何避免?
public static Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.ReadHandle GetFileInfo (string filename, FileInfoResult* result); パラメーター filename The name of the file to query. result A struct that this function fills in with information about the file upon completion of this asynchronous request. 戻...
public static Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.ReadHandle GetFileInfo (string filename, FileInfoResult* result); パラメーター filename The name of the file to query. result A struct that this function fills in with information about the file upon completion of this asynchronous request. 戻...
public static Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.ReadHandle GetFileInfo (string filename, FileInfoResult* result); パラメーター filename The name of the file to query. result A struct that this function fills in with information about the file upon completion of this asynchronous request. 戻...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other AsyncReadManager.GetFileInfo(string,FileInfoRequest*) パラメーター filename The name of the file to query. result A struct that this function fills in with information about the file upon completion of this asynchronous request. 戻り値 void A read handl...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other AsyncReadManagerRequestMetric.RequestTimeMicroseconds public double RequestTimeMicroseconds ; 説明 The time at which the read request was made, in microseconds elapsed since application startup. Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating...