视图V$ASM_DISKGROUP和V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT字段和功能基本类似,但V$ASM_DISKGROUP展示的数据可能更多。 官方说明如下: V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT displays performance statistics in the same way that V$ASM_DISKGROUP does, but without performing discovery of new disk groups. This results in a less expensive operat...
V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT displays performance statistics in the same way that V$ASM_DISKGROUP does, but without performing discovery of new disk groups.
SQL> alter diskgroup dg3 mount; Diskgroup altered. 8.查看磁盘组属性 SELECT dg.name AS diskgroup,SUBSTR(a.name,1,18) AS name, SUBSTR(a.value,1,24) AS value, read_only FROM V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT dg,V$ASM_ATTRIBUTE a WHERE dg.group_number = a.group_number; 9.查看磁盘组兼容属性 SQL> ...
SQL> selectstate,name,type,total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_diskgroup_stat ; 磁盘组状态为Mounted说明磁盘组状态正常; 磁盘组的total_mb,free_mb为非0说明可以读取磁盘信息,获取磁盘大小。 1.1.3 查看磁盘组操作 select * fromv$asm_operation OPERA STATPOWER ACTUAL SOFAR EST_WORK EST_RATE EST_MINUTES ...
SQL> selectstate,name,type,total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_diskgroup_stat ; 磁盘组状态为Mounted说明磁盘组状态正常; 磁盘组的total_mb,free_mb为非0说明可以读取磁盘信息,获取磁盘大小。 1.1.3 查看磁盘组操作 select * fromv$asm_operation OPERA STATPOWER ACTUAL SOFAR EST_WORK EST_RATE EST_MINUTES ...
SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP <my production diskgroup> ADD DISK '<your candidate disk>'; Note:The same disks validation steps are also required for ASM Standalone configurasample 2: These are the shell scripts to monitor sgastat and rebalance progress. ...
[grid@dbserver]$ sqlplus/assysasmSQL*Plus:Release12. on Tue Dec814:08:222015...SQL>selectNAME,TYPE,STATEfrom v$asm_diskgroup_stat;NAMETYPESTATE---DATANORMALMOUNTEDSQL>selectDISK_NUMBER,PATHfrom v$asm_disk_stat;DISK_NUMBERPATH---0AFD:ASMDISK012AFD:ASMDISK034AFD:ASMDISK051AFD...
QUIESCING - CRSCTL 实用程序尝试卸载包含 Oracle 集群注册表 (OCR) 的磁盘组。 在退出集群就绪服务 (CRS) 之前无法卸载磁盘组,因为磁盘组包含 OCR。二、ASM相关视图 • v$asm_disk (_stat) -- 查看磁盘及其状态信息 • v$asm_diskgroup (_stat) -- 查看磁盘组及其状态信息 • v$asm_operation ...
[grid@node2 ~]$ crsctl stat res ora.DATADG.dg -p 3:添加crsdg和crsmirdg资源 crsctl add res ora.crsdg.dg -type ora.diskgroup.type -attr "ACL='owner:grid:rwx,pgrp:oinstall:rwx,other::rw-',AUTO_START=always,VERSION=" -i crsctl add res ora.crsmirdg...