1. Create ASM diskgroup: SQL>create diskgroup DATA External REDUNDANCY DISK '/dev/rhdisk2' 2. Error reported. Cause The cause is 2 terabyte is the maximum storage for each ASM disk (the unpublished Bug 6453944 allowed larger sizes, but that led to problems). The following note provides add...
SVRMGR> select * from v$datafile where FILE#=11; 8) Bring the file online. SVRMGR> alter database datafile '/tmp/sample.dbf' online; 9) Recover the datafile. SVRMGR> Recover database; Note: During recovery, all archived redo logs written to since the original datafile was created must ...
SQL> alter database create datafile 'missing name' as 'misisng name'; SQL> recover datafile 'missing name'; SQL> alter database datafile '<missing name>' online; As of 10g, you can also do this in RMAN. 1) RMAN will create the datafile if there is no backups or copies of this d...
SQL> select * from dba_extents where file_id = 2 and 49 between block_id and block_id+blocks-1;no rows selected•In addition to hcheck8i, one way is to evaluate the call stack for the ORA-600 error. In this example it is:ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktsircinfo_...
Thanks for your interesting . Till now ,we have no partner in Korean . We sell PRM as as product , but we also provide recovery service for some case like yours . If system dbf is not lost ,but just corrupted , we can fix problem and open database without PRM or DUL . The recover...
11 OFFLINE FILE NOT FOUND 0 01/01/88 00:00:00 (Noting the file number that was reported in the error) 5) SVRMGR> select * from v$datafile where FILE#=11; SAMPLE: FILE# STATUS ENABLED CHECKPOINT BYTES CREATE_BYT NAME --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 11 RECOVER READ WRITE 4.9...
11 OFFLINE FILE NOT FOUND 0 01/01/88 00:00:00 (Noting the file number that was reported in the error) 5) SVRMGR> select * from v$datafile where FILE#=11; SAMPLE: FILE# STATUS ENABLED CHECKPOINT BYTES CREATE_BYT NAME --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 11 RECOVER READ WRITE 4.9...
11 OFFLINE FILE NOT FOUND 0 01/01/88 00:00:00 (Noting the file number that was reported in the error) 5) SVRMGR> select * from v$datafile where FILE#=11; SAMPLE: FILE# STATUS ENABLED CHECKPOINT BYTES CREATE_BYT NAME --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 11 RECOVER READ WRITE 4.9...
SQL> alter database datafile '<missing name>' online; As of 10g, you can also do this in RMAN. 1) RMAN will create the datafile if there is no backups or copies of this datafile: RMAN> restore datafile <missing file id>; 2) Recover the newly created datafile: ...
SQL> alter database datafile '<missing name>' online; As of 10g, you can also do this in RMAN. 1) RMAN will create the datafile if there is no backups or copies of this datafile: RMAN> restore datafile <missing file id>; 2) Recover the newly created datafile: ...