COL_USAGE$ TABLE SYS SYSTEMCAUSEThe error ORA-01578 is due to block corruption on SYS owned table COL_USAGE$The best option in this case (as for any physical corruption) would be to restore/recover system tablespace. The unpublished Bug 3718589 shows the following steps to workaround the ...
首先通过 crsctl query cssvotedisk 命令可以找到voting disk的存储地:bash-2.05$ crsctl query cssvotedisk0.? ? 0? ? /dev/rdsk/votinglocated 1 votedisk(s).然后通过dd备份:bash-2.05$ dd if=/dev/rdsk/voting of=voting.bak211456+0 records in211456+0 records outbash-2.05$ ls -altotal 211588...
An Oracle 4-nodes RAC on linux env, the fourth instance has this problem just, When the monitoring tool queries the usage of ASM DISKGroup, the query of V$asm_disk and v$asm_diskgroup has not been completed. from ASM INSTANCE found that waiting for ‘enq: DD – contention’...
You can determine the sector size value that has either been assumed or explicitly set for a successful disk group creation by querying theV$ASM_ATTRIBUTEview or run the ASMCMDlsattrcommand. You can also query theSECTOR_SIZEcolumn in theV$ASM_DISKGROUPview. SQL> SELECT name, value FROM V$ASM...
Before taking snapshot, standby database was shutdown and checked for no opened files from ASM diskgroup. $ asmcmd lsof -G DATADB_Name Instance_Name Path$ asmcmd lsof -G REDODB_Name Instance_Name Path$ asmcmd lsof -G FRADB_Name Instance_Name Path$ asmcmd lsof -G BACKUPDB_Name Instan...
asm磁盘组空间 SQL> set linesize 500; SQL> selectgroup_number,name,state,type,total_mb,free_mb from v$asm_diskgroup; SQL> selectdisk_number,path,name,total_mb,free_mb from v$asm_disk where group_number=1; 3. 查询表空间名 SQL> select tablespace_name fromdba_tablespaces; TABLESPACE_NAME -...
CASE 6: rescue datafile from damaged diskgroup which can’t be mounted User D chooses ASM instead of other filesystem. Since there are many bugs in version, it may happen that ASM DISKGROUP cannot be mounted or it does not work after repairing ASM Disk Header. ...
In system 1 when using the second query to interrogate the diskgroups it would appear that we have 1.5Tb of free space in DATA_PEX0 and yet the lsdg command indicates we only have 800Gb free. Quite a significant difference when we have a weekly growth rate of ~250Gb in that diskgroup ...
SAP Data directory will be created in diskgroup +DATA_<SID>+OLOG_<SID> = ASM directory for Redologs +RECO_<SID> = ASM directory for mirror Redologs member.control file of oracle will be created in three disk group +DATA_<SID> , +ARCH_<SID> , +RECO_<SID>...
CREATE DISKGROUP data DISK '/dev/raw/*' ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.asm' = '11.1'; CREATE DISKGROUP data DISK '/dev/raw/*' ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.rdbms' = '11.1', 'compatible.asm' = '11.1'; The disk group compatibility attributes for existing disk groups can be altered using the SET ATTRIBUTE...