5. If only asm disk header is corrupted / wiped out and remain asm metadata is correct , then it be repaired , please raise SR with oracle support. Otherwise you need to recreate the diskgroup. 6. - Check the label is present by running below command kfed read /dev/oracleasm/disks/| ...
5. If only asm disk header is corrupted / wiped out and remain asm metadata is correct , then it be repaired , please raise SR with oracle support. Otherwise you need to recreate the diskgroup. 6. - Check the label is present by running below command kfed read /dev/oracleasm/disks/| ...
File "/omd/sites/sgi/lib/python3/cmk/base/plugins/agent_based/oracle_asm_diskgroup.py", line 373, in check_oracle_asm_diskgroup total_mb = total_mb // dg_sizefactor UnboundLocalError: local variable 'dg_sizefactor' referenced before assignment Agent Section Output: <<<oracle_asm_diskgrou...
#ASMUSER=check_mk:password:sysdba:hostname:port #DBUSER=check_mk:password:sysdba:hostname:port ASMUSER=check_mk:password DBUSER=check_mk:password 1. 2. 3. 4. 拷贝tns文件到/etc/check_mk cp /u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora /etc/check_mk/ 5、编辑/etc/check...
12643 FIX: oracle_asm_diskgroup: fix crash “TypeError (unsupported operand type(s) for *: ‘NoneType’ and ‘int’)”.12715 FIX: oracle_performance: could crash with KeyError (Shared IO Pool Size)12642 FIX: oracle_rman: fix crash “KeyError(ROSPROD.DB_INCR_0)”...
select NAME,TOTAL_MB,FREE_MB,STATE from v\$asm_diskgroup; prompt ###USERS### col username format a25 col account_status format a18 col default_tablespace format a20 col temporary_tablespace format a20 select username,account_status,default_tablespace,temporary...
ORA-600 [kccpb_sanity_check_2] [a] [b] [c] VERSIONS: Versions 10.2 to 11.2 DESCRIPTION: This internal error is raised when the sequence number (seq#) of the current block of the controlfile is greater than the seq# in the controlfile header. The header value should always be equal ...
This internal error is raised when the sequence number (seq#) of the current block of the controlfile is greater than the seq# in the controlfile header. The header value should always be equal to, or greater than the value held in the control file block(s). ...
Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for relevance on 18-Feb-2013*** Symptoms The database is getting the following errors on Startup: ...
由于类似”db_file_name_convert”和”standby_file_management”参数的错误设置,MRP被终止显示错误ORA-1111 或ORA-1274 。 原因 该问题由于未发布Bug 8676442导致。 该Bug仍在由开发团队处理中。 Bug 8676442– NEWLY CREATED DATAFILE FOR UNKNOWN DATAFILE GETS REMOVED BY DICTIONARY CHECK ...