ASM_DISKGROUPSでは、ALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNT文の発行時にOracle ASMインスタンスが起動時にマウントするディスク・グループ名のリストを指定します。 特性説明 パラメータ・タイプ 文字列 構文 ASM_DISKGROUPS = diskgroup [, diskgroup ] ... デフォルト値 デフォルト値はありません...
ASM_DISKGROUPS参数指定了在Oracle ASM启动时所要MOUNT的磁盘组名称,默认值为null,即ASM启动时会执行ALTER DISKGROUP MOUNT ALL。默认情况下,该参数有Oracle来维护,当磁盘组NOMOUNT或DROP时,相应的磁盘组将被从参数中移除。Oracle不建议手动维护该参数。 注意:如果使用SPFILE启动ASM,则Oracle自动管理该参数。如果是PFILE...
ASM_DISKGROUPSでは、ALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNT文の発行時にOracle ASMインスタンスがマウントするディスク・グループ名のリストを指定します。NOMOUNT起動オプションが指定されていないかぎり、Oracle ASMインスタンスの起動プロセスによりALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNTが実行されます。 ディスク・グ...
check the parameter asm_diskstring , if this is set incorrectly the asm diskgroups will not mount and if you parameter files is in ASM you wont have access to it .. so what do you do check what the asm_diskstring was set to in the alert log Diskstring chnaged to ORCL:* Check the l...
asm_diskgroups string asm_diskstring string /oracle/asm/disks/* asm_power_limit integer 11 Note: If spfile is not being used then you will need to update the pfile (init+ASM.ora) with the next values to preserve the changes during the shutdown/startup: ...
Hello Operating System: RHEL/OEL 7 I have latest version on fusioninventory: # rpm -qa | grep fusion fusioninventory-agent-task-inventory-2.5.2-1.el7.x86_64 fusioninventory-agent-2.5.2-1.el7.x86_64 I know, that file has the follow...
Move datafiles in ASM diskgroups with minimum downtime. 1. Take level 0 datafile copy as a base to the new Diskgroup. This copy has either a system-defined or user-defined tag. 2. Periodically take level 1 differential backups created with the same tag as the level 0 datafile copy. ...
We have a two node RAC/ASM built on VMWare. The os is RHEL 6 with VMFS. The problem we face right now is to add disks to ASM diskgroups where each node needs to be rebooted in order to make the disks visible to the node. We were told by system admin that this is requ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.1]: ASMFD : How to Migrate ASM Diskgroups from ASMLIB to ASMFD (ASM Filter Driver) on
Hi, we had a issue where all our databases were aborted due to unavailability of diskgroup. When I checked the db log files ckp was terminated.