# 创建检测器detector=Detector(searchpath=['apriltags'],families='tag36h11',nthreads=1,quad_decimate=1.0,quad_sigma=0.0,refine_edges=1,decode_sharpening=0.25,debug=0) 参数: families– 标记族,用空格分隔,默认值:tag36h11 nthreads– 线程数,默认值:1 quad_decimate– 可以在较低分辨率的图像上检测四...
AprilTag是密歇根大学Edwin Olson教授及其团队研发的视觉基准系统,专为各种应用如增强现实、机器人和相机校准设计。AprilTag使用普通打印机生成的目标,其软件能精确计算相机相对于标签的3D位置、方向和标识。此系统具备高定位精度,可在远距离可靠检测。AprilTag在概念上类似于QR码,但设计用于更小的有效负载,...
April-Tag-VR-FullBody-Tracker Full-body tracking in VR using AprilTag markers. This is my second attempt at creating a full-body tracking system using fiducial markers. This should enable people to get fullbody tracking for free, using only a phone and some cardboard. It is possible to get...
基于April Tag标记定位自动泊车系统实现 摘要:系统采用STM32F103系列单片机作为自动泊车控制系统和小车控制系统的核心,控制装置通过按钮选择小车停车位并通过无线模块发送给小车,实时通过OpenMV摄像头检测小车顶部的April Tag标记来获取小车的位置及角度,实现小车自动驶入停车位。小车通过控制装置的反馈来获取自己的当前位置,...
A Matlab implementation of the April Tag Algorithm which also generates pose [x,y,z, pitch, roll, yaw] information. Run main.m in the example directory and then select "Test Image" to kick off the simulation. Watch all the various stages of the April tag algorithm in a graphical fashion...
Full-body tracking in VR using AprilTag markers. Contribute to apriltagtrackers-cn/April-Tag-VR-FullBody-Tracker development by creating an account on GitHub.
[原]April Tag implementation in C using OpenCV Algorithm developbed by April Lab @ UM, original implemented in java. Here is my c++ implementation. youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9h_rd6bAwE 阅读全文 类别:Cv查看评论
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10-Man Tag: Raw, April 4, 1994 This huge match was originally scheduled for WrestleMania X but due to time constraints was cut from the show. Instead the match is showcased on Raw.
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