X-ray photoelectron spectra/ aluminiumX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) were used to study the formation of AlN films by N + 2 ion implantation of aluminium at energies of 3keV and 100keV. In both cases, a two-stage mechanism ...
2b. The spectra revealed the presence of N, Al, and trace amounts of O in the AlN crystals. Narrow-range scans of the Al 2p and N 1s peaks were conducted to obtain high-resolution XPS spectra, as shown by the hollow circular lines in Fig. 2e and f. Peak fitting of the high-...
AlN陶瓷因具有热导率高、热膨胀系数与Si相近、介电常数小和无毒害等特点,已被视为新一代高密度、大功率电子封装中最理想的陶瓷基板材料[1].在其制备和应用领域,氧对AlN 陶瓷性能的影响一直受到普遍关注.一方面,氧作为主要杂质固溶于AlN晶格内造成的铝空位缺陷散射声子,是使AlN陶瓷热导率降低的主要原因[2,3]....
While the N 1s XPS signal was apparently detected in the junctions with high $R_{rm N}A$, their intensity was reduced as the $R_{rm N}A$ decreases. 展开 关键词: Submillimeter wave mixers superconductor-insulator-superconductor devices ...
For XPS, an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) Scanning XPS microprobe PHI 5000 VersaProbe II from Physical Electronics was used. An Al K X-ray source (hν = 1486.6 eV) was applied at 25 W and with an MCD analyzer. At 45° to the normal surface the spectra were captured in a constant pass ...
exciting source of monochromatic Al target. The XPS spectra of the samples show that Al and N as well as C from the reference and O impurity presented in the samples, others impurity such as Cl and Li did not presented in the samples. Higher resolution spectra ...
X-ray photoelectron spectra/ chemical stabilityX-ray photoelectron spectroscopyXPSmagnetron sputteringSi wafer substratescolumnar structureIn this paper, we have studied, using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the chemical stability of TiN, TiAlN and AlN layers produced by magnetron sputtering on ...
When the AlN thickness was 0.7nm, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra showed the dominant peak associated with Al-O bonds, along with no clear AlN peak. The amount of remained oxygen atoms near the GaN surface was found to decrease for the thicker AlN. However, many oxygen atoms...
The calculated densities of electron states are compared with XPS spectra of gallium and aluminum, Al L II, III XES, and also with K -spectra of gallium and Al L II, III XAFS absorption. The comparison of the electronic structure of Al x Ga 1 x N crystals and binary GaN and AlN and...
Analysis on the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra showed the better AlN formation near the AlN/GaN interface with a 24 nm thick AlN. The dominant peak shift to lower binding energy in the Al 2p core level spectra was observed with increasing the AlN thickness, which could be ...