Fig. 1|Experimental setup andx-rayphotoelectron spectra under different gas environments. Fig. 2|Zn 3d spectral region in different gas compositions and probing depths. Fig. 3|Spin-orbit splitting in native polycrystalline ZnOx and brass sample and temperature-dependent behavior of Zn on active Zn...
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to analyze relationships between chemical shifts of XPS energy spectra and stoichiometric ratios of ZnO thin films, and quantitative relationships between content of Zn, O and oxygen partial pressures. An optimal crystallized and stoichiometric ZnO thin ...
(b) NAP-XPS spectra of ZnO (100) in the 0.6 mbar H2/CO (3:1) mixture gas at different temperatures. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [35]. Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society. (c) NAP-XPS spectra acquired during CO hydrogenation of the C 1s region for two different Rh ...
Fig. 1|Experimental setup and x-ray photoelectron spectra under different gas environments. Fig. 2|Zn 3d spectral region in different gas compositions and probing depths. Fig. 3|Spin-orbit splitting in native polycrystalline ZnOxand bra...
The O1s core level shifts between an isolated H2O molecule and the Zn oxo compounds or ZnO, as well as between oxygen atoms in bulk ZnO and at various ZnO surfaces, can be understood by means of Madelung potentials and electronic relaxation or screening. XPS spectra were calculated for ...
18、ulation of Caffeine in MOFIII. 主主-客体相互作用客体相互作用(MOFs)Figure 2. N 1s XPS spectra of CAFZIF-8_EX (8 h) and CAFZIF-8_IN; caffeine and commercial ZIF-8 spectra for comparison.Figure 1. detail of caffeine interactionswith the MOF along direction 111.ACS Appl. Mater. Int...
FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia 3 主要内容 XPS的基本原理光电子能谱仪实验技术 XPS在配合物中的应用 4 1.1XPS的基本原理 XPS是由瑞典Uppsala大学的K.Siegbahn及其同事历经近20年的潜心研究于60年代中期研制开发出的一种新型表面分析仪器和方法。鉴于K.Siegbahn教授对发展XPS领域做出的重大贡献,他...
状态变化 Cu→Cu O Zn →ZnO Mg →MgO Ag →Ag SO In →In O 2 2 4 2 3 光电子位移/eV 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.5 俄歇线位移/eV 2.3 4.6 6.4 4.0 3.6 41 XPS 分析中注意的问题 C、X射线卫星峰(X -ray Satellites) 用来照射样品的X射线并非单色光,因此,除了X射线的特征线可以激发 光电子外,X射线...
FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia 3 主要内容 XPS的基本原理光电子能谱仪实验技术 XPS在配合物中的应用 4 1.1XPS的基本原理 XPS是由瑞典Uppsala大学的K.Siegbahn及其同事历经近20年的潜心研究于60年代中期研制开发出的一种新型表面分析仪器和方法。鉴于K.Siegbahn教授对发展XPS领域做出的重大贡献,他...