Fig. 4.N1s XPS spectra of (a) S-Fe/CN-4, (b) S-Fe/CN-2, (c) S-Fe/CN-8, (d) g-C3N4, (e) Fe/CN and (f) S-Fe/CN-0. 从XPS图谱中可以看出所有催化剂的N 1s峰均可以拟合成3个信号峰,结合能分别为398.4、399.7和400.6 eV对应C=N-C,N-(C)3和N-H...
XPS surface analysis results, in terms of spectra for N 1s of the as-grown and Ag-decorated TiO2 nanotubes.MingYing, Lan
12 Surface Science Spectra (SSS), Spectral data for XPS, AES, and SIMS. An official journal of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), see: 表2 钛 2p3/2 轨道的几种钛化学态结合能 No.1 注意事项 虽然材料的氧化态与结合能存在关联,但它并不是决定峰位和...
12 Surface Science Spectra (SSS), Spectral data for XPS, AES, and SIMS. An official journal of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), see: 表2 钛 2p3/2 轨道的几种钛化学态结合能 No.1 注意事项 虽然材料的氧化态与结合能存在关联,但它并不是决定峰位和峰...
一般来说,n↓峰,强度↑;n相等时,l ↑峰 ,强度↑ 。常见的强光电子线有1s、2p3/2、3d5/2、...
Overlapping regions:Li1s, Mg2p Binding energies of common chemical states: Chemical stateBinding energy Se3d5/2 Se metal55.1 eV Experimental information N/A Interpretation of XPS spectra Se3d peak has overlapping spin-orbit components (Δ=0.86eV, intensity ratio=0.735). ...
18、ulation of Caffeine in MOFIII. 主主-客体相互作用客体相互作用(MOFs)Figure 2. N 1s XPS spectra of CAFZIF-8_EX (8 h) and CAFZIF-8_IN; caffeine and commercial ZIF-8 spectra for comparison.Figure 1. detail of caffeine interactionswith the MOF along direction 111.ACS Appl. Mater. Int...
Interpretation of XPS spectra The C1s spectrum from a sample with high concentration of sp2 carbon will have a broad, asymmetric tail towards higher binding energy. One or more satellite features, several eV from the main C1s peak, will also be observed in samples with high sp2 con...
XPS spectraCarbon nitride (CN x ) thin films with an N/C ratio of 0.605:0.522 have been synthesized using different sources as a ksilol, CCl 4 , N 2 and NH 3 by P ECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) and hot filament-CVD reactors. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) ...
精精密密单单层层样品样品的的快速快速平平行行成成像像 l样品样品: l玻璃衬玻璃衬底底上含上含N和和 F的的有有机机金金属属单单层层 图图案案(Patterned) 生物生物传传感感器器 F 1s image acquired in 8 min. Overlay of F 1s and N 1s images Spectra from contaminated PTFE: comparison of large ...