a) XPS spectrum of MWNT and MWNT bound lipase showing carbon 1 s high resolution spectra. b) XPS spectrum of MWNT and MWNT bound lipase showing nitrogen 1 s high resolution spectra.Madan L. VermaMinoo Naeb...
consistent picture has been obtained in favour of dissociative adsorption, from a comparison of the valence band for pure and adsorbed ethanol, which shows the disappearance of σ O H orbital after adsorption, and from the identification of a Si O-related component in the Si 2p core spectrum....
作者: N.,A.,Borovoĭ,N.,A.,Kmetsinskaya,V.,F.,SurzhkoV.,I. 摘要: The shape and relative intensities S α=I(α1s )/I(α1s ), S β=I(β1s )/I(β2) of the short-wavelength X-ray Lα1 and Lβ2 satellites arising from the radiative decay of the states corresponding to ...
(B) Zoom of C(1s) core level pre-edge excitation region in 280–290 eV range. The spectrum of the Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) sample is shown for comparison. We can corroborate these results by looking at recent studies of the thermal stability of fully hydrogenated submicron ...
We present the development of a refined fitting procedure for XPS spectra of these ionic liquid-based systems which include (a) Shirley background offset necessary to account for the insulator-like region and (b) spectral asymmetry in C 1s and N 1s regions. Further, Shirley and trapezoid ...
Note that the acquired XPS spectrum becomes broadened due to poor energy resolution, and the IMFP effect renders the contribution of surface emission rather small [42]. A fit is necessary to extract the embedded components of the epi Ge 3d line shape. A preliminary analysis that uses a ...
(x = 0.1) after electron beam treatment in He at 50 μbars, Figure S8: HRSTEM image and EELS spectrum of PrOx particle at the surface of PCMO (x = 0.33), Figure S9: An example of multiple ion detection scan in Quadera™ software, Table S1: Summary of the Mn valence PCMO (x =...