Michael J. Wallace在“Action Research for Language Teachers”中对于教师的Professional development是这样论述的:教师应当明确地认识到:在履行教师职责的整个过程中,教师都面临着专业发展的问题;专业发展可以有不同的途径,而在专业发展过程中,教师最关心的问题往往是那些和他们的工作最为切近而又有可能得到真正改进的...
Action Research for Teacher CandidatesThis book has been written in the hopes of equipping teachers-in-training—that is, teacher candidates—with the skills needed for action research: a process that leads to focused, effective, and...Robert P. Pelton...
Student TeachersTeacher EducatorsThis paper is an analysis of the potential that action research theory and practice hold for educating preservice teachers to become more critically reflective. First, action research theory, especially as it informs current notions of educational research and practice, is...
stages of research processteachers' professional developmentQuality performance of the increasingly important professional role of the teacher requires a continued learning and professional growth of every individual. Action research represents one of the important factors in teachers' professional development, ...
2. action research forcharacteristics of the classroom teaching, action research is a way to improvethe educational practice through the "change", it encourages teachersto strengthen their teaching aims, teaching process and teaching effect ofattention and consciousness, put forward constantly on their ...
Action researchteachers as researchersteaching literaturemulticultural educationTowards the end of 2006, a group of secondary and primary teachers, in collaboration withuniversity researchers based at the University of Waikato, began a two-year journey where they researchedtheir own practice as teachers of...
pre-serviceteachersandin-serviceteachersintheirprofessionaldevelopmentanditshouldplayanimportant roleinthecurriculumrenewalofEnglishteachingmethodologyinChina. Keywords:actionresearch;teacherprofessionaldevelopment;curriculumrenewal 中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5039(2013)10-0281-03 1WhatisActionResearch?
This booklet was developed as part of a research study funded by the Australian Development Research Awards. Identifying strategies to sustain professional learning communities for teachers in remote primary schools in Papua New Guinea was a study that investigated the use of Action Research as a meth...
Following a discussion of the place of action research in the Wisconsin student teaching curriculum and of the way in which action research is facilitated by one supervisor, the written reports of action research projects completed by 18 student teachers during 1988–1989 are then analyzed for ...
consecutive steps, such as: the formulation of a general idea; exploration of the general idea; drawing up of a general plan; planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of concrete actions for improvement; and writing up of a case study or report on the teachers' own action research...