Lung carcinoma A549 cell lineDue to the unique property of ionic liquids (ILs), they have become attractive media for various types of chemical processes recently. ILs have become one of the hottest areas in chemistry recently. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the toxicity and ...
How many Cell Line cells are in the vial? 1 answer Technical Support · a year ago Each vial of cells contains 2-3 x 106 cells in 1 ml of freezing media. This is in a 1.8 mL ampule. For exceptionally large cells, counts may decrease. Suspension cells, generally smaller cells, may...
Cell Culture A549 cellswere cultured in 25 mL DMEM supplemented with either 10%fetal bovine serumand 2 mM L-glutamine for complete media, or with no serum for serum-free treatments. Cells were grown in 5% CO2in air-humidified incubator at 37°C. The media was replaced every 2 days, and...
In the replicative analysis at different growth phases of the isolates in cell culture media, growth capacity at 3 h post-incubation was frequently twice as that at 1 h, and that at early-log phase was frequently higher than that at mid-log phase at both post-incubation times. Adherence ...
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(2016). Isolation and Characterization of Cancer Stem Cells of the Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (A549) Cell Line. In: Turksen, K. (eds) Stem Cell Heterogeneity. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1516. Humana Press, New York, NY. Download citation ....
过表达TRAIL的间充质干细胞对肺癌A549细胞系生物学功能的影响 过表达TRAIL的间充质干细胞对肺癌A549细胞系生物学功能的影响 张冠磊1,马苗苗1,兰文静1,王 琳2 EffectofoverexpressingTRAILmesenchymalstemcellsonthebiologicalfuncti...
ApoptosisInducedbyArtesunateinHumanAdenocarcinomaCellLineA549Ce llsAssociat- edwithActivationofcaspase-9andcaspase-3 WANGYan-yan,SONGXing-fu,CUIXiang-jun,HUANGJi TheFirstCollegeofClinicalMedicalScienceofChinaThreeGorgesUniversity& YichangCentral People'sHospital,Yichang443003,China ...
To investigate mechanisms regulating intra-alveolar coagulation, we studied monolayers of the A549 human lung epithelial cell line. The surface of A549 cells delayed the onset of prothrombin-to-thrombin conversion and prevented total prothrombin consumption in normal plasma compared to plastic cell-free ...
结论:A549细胞表达的CXCL-8能激活Akt通路,促进hBMSCs增殖和运动。关键词趋化因子-8;人骨髓间充质干细胞;Akt信号通路;细胞迁移 Conditioned media prepared from A549 lung carcinoma cells promotes the proliferation and migration of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells* Jiang Yang1, Wang Lulu1, Jin ...