基因分型结果表明,Rice3K56芯片对水稻品种(包括近缘水稻品种)的鉴别非常有效。 采用Rice3K56芯片通过全基因组关联分析(GWAS)进行基因/QTL定位 为了检验Rice3K56芯片通过全基因组关联分析(GWAS)进行基因/QTL定位的有效性,研究中从192份水稻材料中选取了84份材料,初步鉴定出了影响13个重要农艺性状的基因/QTL,因为预测G...
美国RICE LAKE RL30000悬臂梁传感器 产品描述: RL30000悬臂梁称重传感器(load cells)NTEP认证的电池容量从1000到10000磅(453.6至4535.9千克的),非的NTEP细胞在250,500和20,000磅(113.4至9071.9公斤的)。 产品特点: 满量程输出:3.0mV/V材料/表面处理: 高合金钢,镀镍温度: 补偿范围14°F - 1104°F/-10°C - ...
1900 of the 3K rice genotypes will be screened this 2015 WS by manual measurement, HTP tractor and drone platforms. Historical phenotype data is already being used for GWAS. Bridging the 3K genomes and their phenotypes will translate the genomes to products for gobal breeding efforts and ...
1900 of the 3K rice genotypes will be screened this 2015 WS by manual measurement, HTP tractor and drone platforms. Historical phenotype data is already being used for GWAS. Bridging the 3K genomes and their phenotypes will translate the genomes to products for gobal breeding efforts and ...
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Free Essay: Condoleezza Rice Do you remember, a Miss America contestant who once said the most important thing society needs is world peace? Did she mean it,...