总的来说,该芯片在水稻基因组中的基因覆盖率高,SNP位点均匀分布在全部12条染色体上,不同染色体上的SNP位点数目范围为3400个SNP位点(10号染色体)到7158个SNP位点(1号染色体)之间,其中79.9%的SNP位点在整个基因组中间隔10 kb均匀分布(图1C)。Rice3K56芯片中相邻SNP位点之间的平均距离为6.7 kb,中位数为5.3 kb,只...
水稻功能基因组育种数据库(RFGB): 3K 水稻 SNP 与InDel 子数据库. 科学通报, 2015, 60: 1–5 Zheng T Q, Yu H, Zhang H L, et al . Rice functional genomics and breeding database (RFGB) : 3K-rice SNP and InDel sub -database (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2015, 60: 1–5, doi: ...
The landscape of gene–CDS–haplotype diversity in rice: Properties, population organization, footprints of domestication and breeding, and implications for genetic improvement 数据地址 也可以用这个单倍型数据和表型做关联分析,用方差分析就可以。表型数据下载 以下主要是3k构建的SNP的探索以及简单利用。 工具准备...
水稻功能基因组育种数据库(RFGB): 3K 水稻 SNP 与 InDel 子数据库. 科学通报, 2015, 60: 1–5 Zheng T Q, Yu H, Zhang H L, et al. Rice functional genomics and breeding database (RFGB): 3K-rice SNP and InDel sub-database (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2015, 60: 1–5, doi: ...
水稻功能基因组育种数据库(RFGB): 3K 水稻 SNP 与 InDel 子数据库. 科学通报, 2015, 60: 367–371 Zheng T Q, Yu H, Zhang H L, et al. Rice functional genomics and breeding database (RFGB): 3K-rice SNP and InDel sub-database (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2015, 60: 367–371, doi:...
引用格式:郑天清,余泓,张洪亮,等.水稻功能基因组育种数据库(RFGB):3K水稻SNP与InDel子数据库.科学通报,2015,60:367–371 ZhengTQ,YuH,ZhangHL,etal.Ricefunctionalgenomicsandbreedingdatabase(RFGB):3K-riceSNPandInDelsub-database(inChinese). ChinSciBull,2015,60:367–371,doi:10.1360/N972014-01231 ...
The 3000 rice genomes project between CAAS, BGI and IRRI has given an unprecedented opportunity to better understand the population structure and genetic variation of the staple food for much of humanity. Using 3M filtered SNPs from an updated SNP calling pipeline for Nipponbare IRGSP1.0, all ...
The 3000 rice genomes project between CAAS, BGI and IRRI has given an unprecedented opportunity to better understand the population structure and genetic variation of the staple food for much of humanity. Using 3M filtered SNPs from an updated SNP calling pipeline for Nipponbare IRGSP1.0, all varie...
图1 (网络版彩色)水稻功能基因组育种数据库(RFGB)——3K 水稻SNP 与InDel 子数据库所包含的数据内容. (a) 样本测序深度的分布图; (b) 样本包含的SNP 和InDel 信息条数分布图; (c) 样本的构成类型 Figure 1 The data content of Rice Functional Genomics and Breeding Database (RFGB) —3K-rice SNP ...
0rICeg9Ow3gDPIcR1bPbTwRDp1yyI7sYpUraTLXGNWNWdshTl5rCMkbIDlPKsPygVxofnBQ8lmPv Sq7tMdisHv4dubaLxPH8gCqWOEQvDyDoU0aJyCXHJwjfRepMtSBES/mDIcp646J7iMCIGiTIuagd KF/uFEzpOLXbgA+GwkIn/esHUwBsEKL9OmDkUZ9fBQNhQ7siBRs6h/XBL+fVAXYju6mwKB/9Adgi DUWAYjHx8TxFdLz32wQ9H0IS2GcE31LnhxSKe3...