Rice functional genomics and breeding database (RFGB) : 3K-rice SNP and InDel sub -database (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2015, 60: 1–5, doi: 10.1360/N972014-01231 品种的SNP 和InDel 信息. 库共包含了2859 份水稻资源的共计超 从而得到了2859 份不同水稻品种的基 图 1(a)和(b)显示了...
Ricefunctionalgenomicsandbreeding database(RFGB)-3K-riceSNPandInDelsub- database ARTICLEinCHINESEJOURNAL·JANUARY2015 DOI:10.1360/N972014-01231 READS 333 22AUTHORS,INCLUDING: JianxinShi ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity 39PUBLICATIONS465CITATIONS SEEPROFILE
Through the 3000 (3K) Rice Genome Project, we collected single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and insertion and deletion (InDel) genomic variation data for the 2859 rice genomes, and established a comprehensive SNP and InDel sub-database for the Rice Functional Genomics-based Breeding (RFGB) Data...
水稻功能基因组育种数据库(RFGB): 3K 水稻 SNP 与 InDel 子数据库. 科学通报, 2015, 60: 1–5 Zheng T Q, Yu H, Zhang H L, et al. Rice functional genomics and breeding database (RFGB): 3K-rice SNP and InDel sub-database (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2015, 60: 1–5, doi: ...
(网络版彩色)3K 水稻SNP 与InDel 子数据库的检索页面使用范例 Figure 3 A case for searching in the 3K-rice SNP and InDel Sub-database 3 图4 (网络版彩色)3K 水稻 SNP 与InDel 子数据库的功能页面使用范例 Figure 4 A case for functional pages of the 3K -rice SNP and InDel Sub -database 在...
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