Abstract: Visual SLAM provides mapping and self-localization results of a robot in an unknown environment based on visual sensor, which has the advantages of small volume, low power consumption, and richness of information acquisition.Visual SLAM is critical and significant in supporting of robots' ...
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that the current feature-based visual SLAM can only reconstruct a sparse point cloud and the ordinary frame does not contribute to point depth estimation, a novel 3D reconstruction method with inverse depth filter of feature-based visual SLAM is proposed, which util...
1、松耦合(Loosely Coupled)松耦合是指 IMU 和相机分别进行自身的运动估计,然后对其位姿估计结果进行融...
本人方向是基于视觉的语义slam,但是并不想接触太多的深度学习的东西,想多搞搞slam方面的东西(主要怕两边都搞,两边都没搞明白),因此看了语义sla…显示全部 关注者3 被浏览69 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 添加评论 分享
图1视觉SLAM方法基本流程Fig. 1The flowchart of general visual SLAM 1.1 特征点提取与追踪 视觉SLAM中需要将图像观测信息同环境进行关联,即确定序列图像内容与真实环境的对应关系。当前视觉SLAM中,角点特征经常被用于序列图像间的关联。通过图像间特征点的提取与追踪,在多帧图像间形成空间物方点与同名像方点的对应关...
图1 视觉SLAM方法基本流程Fig. 1 The flowchart of general visual SLAM 图选项 1.1 特征点提取与追踪 视觉SLAM中需要将图像观测信息同环境进行关联,即确定序列图像内容与真实环境的对应关系。当前视觉SLAM中,角点特征经常被用于序列图像间的关联。通过图像间特征点的提取与追踪,在多帧图像间形成空间物方点与同名像方...