To deepen our knowledge about circ-ZNF609 role in cell cycle regulation, we studied its expression and function in rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), a pediatric skeletal muscle malignancy. We found that circ-ZNF609 is upregulated in biopsies from the two major RMS subtypes, embryonal (ERMS) and alveolar...
Akt, we were able to show that circ-ZNF609 acts by counteracting p-Akt proteasome-dependent degradation, thus working as a new regulator of cell proliferation-related pathways. As opposed to ERMS-derived cells, the circRNA depletion had no cell cycle effects in ARMS-derived cells. Since in th...
In this study, circZNF609 was conspicuously overexpressed and featured with loop structure in HCC. Functional tests revealed that decreased expression of circZNF609 suppressed cell proliferation, metastasis and stemness, whereas induced cell apoptosis in HCC. Subsequent molecular mechanism assays indicated...
1. This research reveals that circZNF609 improves bladder cancer progression and inhibits cisplatin sensitivity by inducing G1/S cell cycle arrest via a novel miR-1200/CDC25B cascades. 2. CircZNF609 was confirmed associated with worse survival of bladder cancer patients. 3. CircZNF609 act as ...