Define XXXXX. XXXXX synonyms, XXXXX pronunciation, XXXXX translation, English dictionary definition of XXXXX. Noun 1. XXX - the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three 30, thirty large integer - an integer equal to or greater than ten 2. XXX
Define Xxx xxx. Xxx xxx synonyms, Xxx xxx pronunciation, Xxx xxx translation, English dictionary definition of Xxx xxx. n. 1. The science and technology of electronic phenomena. 2. Electronic devices and systems: The electronics aboard the new aircraft a
Chromosome analysis of peripheral blood leucocytes of a 20-year-old patient with eunuchoid habitus, hypogenitalism, malocclusion and severe mental deficiency revealed a chromosome number of 48 and indicated an XXXY sex chromosome constitution. Cells from buccal smears were sex-chromatin positive, as ...
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XXXY: Directed by Porter Gale, Laleh Soomekh. Kristi Bruce and Howard Devore, both born intersex, talk eloquently about their experience of a medical model based upon shame, secrecy, and forced "normalization."
XXXY sex chromosomes in males of the jumping spider genus Pellenes (Araneae: Salticidae). Chromosoma 85, 23–37 (1982). Download citation Received01 October 1981 Issue DateApril 1982 DOI Keywords Developmental Biology Chromosome...
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XXXY: Directed by Porter Gale, Laleh Soomekh. Kristi Bruce and Howard Devore, both born intersex, talk eloquently about their experience of a medical model based upon shame, secrecy, and forced "normalization."