The box loss is summed up over object spatial locations, object shapes and different aspect ratios and is computed as the mean squared error (MSE) between the predicted bounding box parameters and the ground truth ones. I hope it helps clear up things. Let us know if you have any further...
IoULoss mmdet loss ❓ FAQ 🔝 Please refer to the FAQ for frequently asked questions. 🙌 Contributing 🔝 We appreciate all contributions to improving MMYOLO. Ongoing projects can be found in our GitHub Projects. Welcome community users to participate in these projects. Please refer to CONT...
IoULoss mmdet loss ❓ FAQ 🔝 Please refer to the FAQ for frequently asked questions. 🙌 Contributing 🔝 We appreciate all contributions to improving MMYOLO. Ongoing projects can be found in our GitHub Projects. Welcome community users to participate in these projects. Please refer to CONT...
Backbones Necks Loss Common YOLOv5CSPDarknet YOLOv8CSPDarknet YOLOXCSPDarknet EfficientRep CSPNeXt YOLOv7Backbone PPYOLOECSPResNet mmdet backbone mmcls backbone timm YOLOv5PAFPN YOLOv8PAFPN YOLOv6RepPAFPN YOLOXPAFPN CSPNeXtPAFPN YOLOv7PAFPN PPYOLOECSPPAFPN IoULoss mmdet loss ❓...
IoULoss mmdet loss Please refer to theFAQfor frequently asked questions. We appreciate all contributions to improving MMYOLO. Ongoing projects can be found in ourGitHub Projects. Welcome community users to participate in these projects. Please refer toCONTRIBUTING.mdfor the contributing guideline. ...