Yo Momma So Dumb… Your friend’s mama not so smart? Give these jokes a try. Yo Momma So Ugly… Your friend’s mama fall from the ugly tree? Check these jokes out. Yo Mama So Fat… Your friend’s mama have more to love? You’ll love these jokes. ...
THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY yo momma JOKES:1 - Yo Mama's so fat that while she's sits on the beach, the lifeguard comes up to her to say, "Excu... More ›› 2 - Yo Mama is so fat...when she took her shirt off at the strip club,everyone thought she was Jab... More ...
The largest collection of yo momma jokes on the web. Yo mama is so fat, old, nasty, stupid and more.
Yo mama so ugly she scared off flavor flav Your mum so ugly when she walked past I thought she was Susan Boyle. Yo momma so fat, everytime she starts singing people leave. Yo mama so fat she has more crack than Whitney and Bobby Yo mama so dumb she took a umbrella to see Purple ...
Below are our favorite clean examples of these insults, so you’ll never be short of a funny comeback again, especially if someone insults your mom! Contents Best Yo Momma Jokes More Funny Yo Mama Jokes Yo Mama So Fat Jokes Yo Mama So Old Jokes ...
Yo momma’s so ugly, she made an onion cry. Yo mama so old, she knew Burger King when he was just a prince. A cousin to yo mama jokes are claims someone has slept with another’s mother (e.g., Sorry I’m late to work, bro, but your mother just wouldn’t let me go to bed...
Your momma jokes for best fun on yo momma jokes.Wanted to know how to tell your mama jokes then you are at the right place. We also have yo grandpa, your friends and other yo folks jokes.Keep visiting us for new joke of the day on yo momma joke.This app requires internet. Yo Mom...
Yo momma jokesbraden
yo momma so black. yo daddy decided to use her as charcoal for the fire yo daddy so big he walked up to a chair and the chair moved itself yo daddy so old I asked him about his car and he said he has the stone wheel. yo daddy so Dumb, when he saw a sign, MASSAGE 60 min....
Yo Momma Jokes Pictures最新版截图 # Yo Momma Jokes Pictures最新版 The best Yo Momma Jokes Pictures app for Android!Laugh at thousands of funny Yo Momma jokes Pictures .is the Best Apps Picture Jokes And LOL Pics With Funny PicturesFeatures:- Thousands of free Yo Momma Jokes! Tons of fun...