yo mama(your mother,你妈妈)joke是通过辱骂对方母亲来闹着玩以达到羞辱对手的目的,通常以“Your mother(你妈妈)”开头,根据不同地方的方言,很很多变种,比如:”yo mama”, “yo momma”, “yer ma”, “ya mum”, “your mum” or “your mom”,后面一般接“so…(that)…”句型。so...
Every Yo Momma joke has been done thousands of times, by thousands of people. Kinda like yo momma. Yo mama so hairy people wonder why she wears a fur coat to the nudist beach. Yo momma is so stupid when an intruder broke into her house, she ran downstairs, dialed 9-1-1 on the mi...
Your mum so ugly when she walked past I thought she was Susan Boyle. Yo momma so fat, everytime she starts singing people leave. Yo mama so fat she has more crack than Whitney and Bobby Yo mama so dumb she took a umbrella to see Purple Rain. Yo mama so stupid she thought Meow Mix...
Yo mama so stupid, I said Kool-Aid and she jumped through the wall. Yo momma’s so ugly, she made an onion cry. Yo mama so old, she knew Burger King when he was just a prince. A cousin to yo mama jokes are claims someone has slept with another’s mother (e.g., Sorry I’m...
The initial, Yo Mama (Your mother) can be combined with most types of insults which are suggestive of stupid or foolish behavior : Your momma’s so poor she can’t even pay attention! Read the best jokes joke, it jokes funny quotes, funny joke, funnyjokes, humor jokes yo mama is, ...
Yo daddy so damn stupid when yo momma said fuck me silly and make it hurt he put on a clown suit and hit her with a brick Yo Daddy so stupid he put a piece of paper on the tv so he can watch paperview. Last night I saw Yo Daddy jerking off into a paper bag, when I asked...