Compared to ordinarypowders of Y2O3:Eu3 , the XRD peaks of nan-Y2O3:Eu3 become wide, and 2 increases. Also, it exitsthe bluc-shift in the X-ray PLS of nano-Y2O3:Eu3 . The wave length and intensity of the peak(5Do - 7 F2)are connected with the grain size of the powders....
图1不同Y2O3添加量下MgO陶瓷的XRD图谱Fig.1XRDpatternsforMgOceramicswithdifferentY2O3addition表1不同Y2O3添加量下MgO陶瓷的XRD衍射峰峰位Table1XRDdiffractionpeakpositionofMgOceramicswithdifferentY2O3addition Y2O3/wt%2θ(111)/°2θ(200)/°2θ (222)/°036.9442.9278.6180.236.93842.90178.5990.536.90442.978.580 ...
XRD diffractograms confirm the presence of both α-Al2O3 and Y2O3 (Fig. S2). Note that the high temperature calcination step of the NPs was done before deposition to prevent a reaction between α-Al2O3 and (uncalcined) Y2O3 resulting in the formation of yttrium-aluminate phases such as...
关键词:水热法;Y2O3;Y2O3:Eu3+;荧光性能;XRD 中图分类号:O482.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009−606X(2010)06−0950−06 1 前言 氧化钇(Y2O3)因具有耐热,耐腐蚀,高温稳定性以 及优良的光学惰性而在各种材料尤其在发光材料中具 有相当广泛的应用 [1−4]. Y 的电子层构型为 1s22s22p63s23p63d104...
(Fig.4b), indicating that NiO was fully reduced to metallic Ni. This observation was consistent with the XRD results (Fig.4a). Very interestingly, the vibration peak of NiO appeared again in the WGS reaction atmosphere, suggesting the formation of Ni-O bond on the surface. Furthermore, by...
Figure1shows the XRD patterns of sintered samples. The XRD peaks of YM composite have been indexed with the cubic Y2O3 (JCPDS 41-1105) and MgO (JCPDS 45-0946). No extra peak was noted in any sintered specimen, which confirms the phase purity of the samples. ...
In the XRD patterns, only the diffraction peak appeared at 44.1°, which corresponded to the (111) planes and was wider and less intense, and the intensity of the (200) and (220) planes almost disappeared. This phenomenon is consistent with the results of prior studies[8]. This occurred ...
YzO透明陶瓷。用XRD、TEM、UVVis、FL分别对样品的结构、形貌和发光性能进行了研究。 结果表明:Yb完全固溶于YO的立方晶格中,Yb:YzO粉体大小均匀,近似球形,尺寸约40—60nm。Yb~.YzO透明陶瓷相对密 度为99.7%,在波长600~800nm范围内其透光率达到80%。Yb~.YzO3透明陶瓷在950nm处吸收线宽达到26nm,在1031nm ...
The crystal structure and elemental distribution of phosphors has been confirmed by XRD and elemental distribution map. The phenomenon involved in the emission process has been confirmed by UC luminescence spectra detection, decay curve analysis and an energy level diagram. The enhancement of UC ...
The peak at 870, 818 cm−1 are responsible for the presence of trace of Y–OH [46]. Antimicrobial Properties Leaching of Cu2+ from Nanoparticles The copper ion leaching process was carried out for 120 min. In all materials the highest concentrations of copper ions were ...