Mod.Lorentz#2peakshapeprofile TheMod.Lorentz#2peakshapeprofile(L?)isdescribedbythefollowingequation: where: Hkisthefullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM)oftheBraggreflectionK=(h,k,1).Itisrelatedtotheinstrumentalbroadening(in)(describedbytheparametersU,VandW)viatheCaqlioti equation. Ifcrvstallitesizebroadeninqisap...
However, when x=0, a second phase of Ba5Nb4O15 (JCPDS card no. 14-0028) emerges in the BMN ceramic. The (420) diffraction peak at a high angle shifts to a lower angle with increasing Zr4+ content, and the cell constant of the BMZN solid solution increases. The splitting of ...
In the FTIR spectra, the introduction of cations caused a distinct shift to higher wavenumbers in the peak at ~1100 cm~(-1), which is attributed to the asymmetric stretch of Si-O-Al. This effect may be associated with the Pb~(2+), Cd~(2+), and Zn~(2+) adsorbed by the red ...
strong and clear peak Nickelecobalt hydroxide nanosheets arrays on Ni foam for pseudocapacitor applications One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/Ni(OH)2 films on nickel foam for high performance supercapacitors Rapid synthesis of graphene/cobalt hydroxide composite with enhanced electroche...
d): calculatedInstrument(I): calculated I type: peak heightsI/Icor: 5.83Comments...
Standard: AgInstrument(I): diffractometer I type: peak heightsComments and Additional In...
Throughout this humidity range, the appearance of peak-shoulders indicates a coexistence of various crystallite hydration phases. An examination of the FWHM and the irrationality parameter values (Table 1), suggesting an interstratified hydration character all over the investigated %RH range, confirms ...