Mod.Lorentz#2peakshapeprofile TheMod.Lorentz#2peakshapeprofile(L?)isdescribedbythefollowingequation: where: Hkisthefullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM)oftheBraggreflectionK=(h,k,1).Itisrelatedtotheinstrumentalbroadening(in)(describedbytheparametersU,VandW)viatheCaqlioti equation. Ifcrvstallitesizebroadeninqisap...
^2]Help|$ave| 第四步:对应峰选择选择可能的物相打钩 l3e2)04 || I TI P 弟7K步:拟合(也有用PdfOverlays和LinerBackground的,但是我点这个不知道为啥结果出不来,所以就不搞了) ={gProfileFitting(PeakDecomposition Save|[CurrentSettings] ProfileParameters:厂Pearson-VII介pseudo-Voigt 厂Exponent=11.5 ...
主要内容 一、衍射强度理论二、Rietveld精修原理三、GSAS界面及精修过程 一、衍射强度理论 晶体与衍射 正空间晶体点阵 傅立叶变换傅立叶变换 倒易空间衍射花样 X射线衍射谱 衍射图:背底+衍射峰衍射峰:位置、峰形、宽度、强度、强度分布 1、衍射背底的由来?2、为什么衍射峰只在一定的角度出现?3、...
named waste heat. One means of efficiently utilizing the wasted heat to harness electricity can be realized by using a thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system2. A TPV system can as well produce electric power from fossil
10000 (a) 1000 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2theta [deg] Figure 18a. XRD measurement of liquid water (red line) and empty glass capillary (blue line) performed with Mo radiation The PDF in Figure 19 shows a relatively narrow peak for the ?rst O-O distance (ca. 2.8 ?). The ...
一、衍射强度理论二、Rietveld精修原理 三、GSAS界面及精修过程 一、衍射强度理论 晶体与衍射 正空间晶体点阵 傅立叶变换 倒易空间衍射花样 傅立叶变换 X射线衍射谱 衍射图:背底+衍射峰衍射峰:位置、峰形、宽度、强度、强度分布1、衍射背底的由来?2、为什么衍射峰只在一定的角度出现?3、低角度峰...
A transition temperature of 550 °C has been found for nano-TiO2 to irreversibly transform from brookite to anatase by plotting the Raman peak shifts against the annealing temperatures. The W-H underestimation on the strain in the brookite phase gives W-H/Raman factor of 3.10 ± 0.05...
3 2 .5 33 3 3 5 3 4 2 0 /( ) 图6 OH—ClAP,F.OHAP,F—ClAP 固溶体的 X RD 特征 峰 图谱 F ig.6 X R D c haracteri stic peak s pa tterns of O H-C lA P , F—O HA P. F—C1A P solid solutions 半径Cl 一含 量的减少 ,(2 11) 面 网和 ( 300 ) 面网的 2 0...
PeakpositionofGban~em一 2_5 2?0 芎 1.0 05 FWHM—G/cm Fig.5RelationofXRDparametersd002andLcwith thepositionofG(a)andFWHM-G(b) 14 12 10 2 0.420.460.500.540.58 llR FiD6RelationofID7IGandLlde~rmined bythreeequations 1:谢东公式;2:Cancado公式;3:KW公式 3结论 对一系列不同变质程度煤进...
qualityofthepeakwidthW1andW2ofbasalreflection10Aand5Ashowsthats ericitesinChuzhou dosenotcontainmontmorillonite(interlayer)minerals,ItiSconcludedthatC huzhousericitewill serveasakindofgoodsruffforcoating. Keywords:Chuzhou,Sericite,Montmorillonite,X—r日 lydiffraction,Infraredabsorptionspectra 0前言 绢云母是云母族...