卡片列表右键菜单 候选卡片列表右键菜单 显示卡片详细信息 修改卡片RIR值 自定义列表显示内容 由卡片谱线模拟 XRD 图谱 1、Open file maxture3 at C:\Program Files\PANalytical\XPert HighScore Plus\tutorial 2、Instert file Cr2O3, CaF2, Ca(CO)3 at C:\Program Files\PANalytical\XPert HighScore Plus\...
K-alpha2 Peak Present LS Weighting in 1 / Sqr(I) Allow Negative Isotropic B Allow Negative Occupancy Apply Anomalous Scattering [Diffractometer LP] Two-Theta Range of Fit = 23.0 - 56.2(deg) Specimen Displacement - Cos(Theta) = -0.040584(0.005409) Monochromator Correction for LP Factor =...
K-alpha2 Peak Present LS Weighting in 1 / Sqr(I) Allow Negative Isotropic B Allow Negative Occupancy Apply Anomalous Scattering [Diffractometer LP] Two-Theta Range of Fit = 23.0 - 56.2(deg) Specimen Displacement - Cos(Theta) = -0.040584(0.005409) Monochromator Correction for LP Factor =...