The XRD peak broadening is in direct relation with the structural anisotropy and heterogeneity in the rolling plane during deformation by deep drawing in mild soft steel. The inhomogeneous structures give internal stresses at different scales, which strongly influence the superficial mechanical properties....
The small Cu 2p3/2 peak at the low binding energy corresponds to the reduction product of Cu (+II) under XPS analysis38. For the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (XRD, Fig. 2c) of the composite films, the additional peaks at 35.5, 38.6, and 48.7 can be assigned to the (111), (...
8), which are consistent with the size variations observed in the TEM images. Meanwhile, the X‐ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the CDs prove a similar peak at around 23°, which can be attributed to the graphite (002) lattice spacing (Supplementary Fig. 9). X-ray photoelectron ...
filament temperature using a closed-loop control system. The intrinsic finite thermal inertia of the heated coil, when coupled to the lagging response of such feedback control results in a comparatively slow time response, often several hundreds of milliseconds. In addition, care must be taken to ...
For the large crystallite size with few defects the G-peak is more intense than D-peak while by increasing the defects the ID/IG ratio increases. This increasing trend stops when the amount of defects exceed a certain value and the D-peak intensity starts to decrease [106]. Download: ...
The XRD peak broadening is in direct relation with the structural anisotropy and heterogeneity in the rolling plane during deformation by deep drawing in mild soft steel. The inhomogeneous structures give internal stresses at different scales, which strongly influence the superficial mechanical properties....
Effect of carbon addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TiC(sub) –TiN(nm)–WC–Co–C system cermets was studied in this work. The microstructure was investigated by means of X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) in combination with energy dispersive...
As a result, the as-prepared GNR@CNT catalyst showed a high peak power density of 520 W g−1 in acidic fuel cells, superior to the non-precious metal Fe–N–C electrocatalysts. To directly provide the evidence to prove that the edge carbons are more active than the basal plane ones ...
strongly coordinate with single Co atoms to construct Co-Nxstructures. Moreover, the X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra (XANES) of Co K-edge in Fig.2cdemonstrate that both the intensity and position of the fingerprint peak (7729 eV) of Co-SAs/N-C are located in the middle ...
The results imply that the catalytic performance of Y2O3/carbon nanotube composite par- ticles in the sample mixing by water phase is superior to that of the other. Compared with the pure ammonia perchlorate, the peak temperature of high temperature decomposition of AP in this mixing sample ...