CrossFit裡面的WOD(Workout of the Day),指的是每位教練每天都會提供的一個訓練的訓練計畫,一般將多個動作組合在一起搭配不同的次數和重量,以順序或循環的方式進行,並使用ForTime(最快時間完成)、AMRAP(最高反覆次數)、EMOM(一分鐘完成特定訓練)、等多種計時方式來衡量完成情況,依照學生狀況來,WOD的效益就是能在...
CrossFit里面的WOD(Workout of the Day),指的是每位教练每天都会提供的一个训练的训练计画,一般将多个动作组合在一起搭配不同的次数和重量,以顺序或循环的方式进行,并使用ForTime(最快时间完成)、AMRAP(最高反复次数)、EMOM(一分钟完成特定训练)、等多种计时方式来衡量完成情况,依照学生状况...
Community WOD (EVF360 & Crossfit) Teams of 2, one partner working at a time:100 hang power cleans [BB: 95/65 lbs, DBs: 35/20 lbs]90 handstand pushups80/64 cal row70 wall-balls 20/14 lbs60 hang power cleans [BB: 115/80 lbs, DBs: 50/35 lbs]50 handstand pushups40/32 cal ro...
CrossFit East River – WOD Bench Press (Every 4:00 minutes x 3 Sets Complete 5 Reps @ 65% 3 Reps @ 70% 1 Rep @ 75% Rest as needed between 5-3-1 to complete within the 4:00 time frame) — Rest as needed between 5-3-1 to complete within the 4:00 time frame. The goal her...
Suitable for HIIT, Tabata, CrossFit, circuit training, yoga, and more. Ideal for custom running intervals and advanced workout planning. Works perfectly as a fitness time tracker to monitor your rest and work periods. Who is This App For? This app is perfect for anyone looking to improve ...
Suitable for HIIT, Tabata, CrossFit, circuit training, yoga, and more. Ideal for custom running intervals and advanced workout planning. Works perfectly as a fitness time tracker to monitor your rest and work periods. Who is This App For? This app is perfect for anyone looking to improve ...
The second competition was a complete success. Thank you so much for your help and quick response time! You guys are great. Frank N. CrossFit Derive Thank you guys so much - y'all have been very helpful and the best scoring software we have ever worked with. Keep up the great work!
The second competition was a complete success. Thank you so much for your help and quick response time! You guys are great. Frank N. CrossFit Derive Thank you guys so much - y'all have been very helpful and the best scoring software we have ever worked with. Keep up the great work!
CrossFit HERO WOD is all about one word . . . Honor Most CrossFit boxes around the United States do the Murph on Memorial Day weekend. When you push yourself to complete one you are bringing honor to a fallen hero. Before he created the greatest fitness movement of our time,CrossFit fo...
Thank you so much for your help and quick response time! You guys are great. Frank N. CrossFit Derive Thank you guys so much - y'all have been very helpful and the best scoring software we have ever worked with. Keep up the great work! A. Leblanc-Bazinet ZOO BATTLE Exactly what ...