GPO Filter WMI on the computer name a user log on GPO Firewall rule is not over-ruling local firewall policy GPO for "Turn off the display" only after working hours? GPO for 2008 Server error: Windows failed to apply the Internet Explorer Zonemapping settings GPO for ADMX not applying GPO...
The CIM cmdlets are number one on performance when querying multiple-object datasets. TheCimInstanceobject is great to work with, specially when combining with other known objects, like thePSCustomObject. On the other hand, calling methods is not as straight forward as on the previous methods. A...
With the filter showing only the lines or operations that include "Win32_NTLogEvent", the results are:Expand table LevelSourceEvent IDDescription Information Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity 11 CorrelationId = {345E5566-0000-0000-0000-68343241D901}; GroupOperationId = 30641; OperationId = 30642; ...
Friendly-Names From-Entry From-Server Frs-Computer-Reference Frs-Computer-Reference-BL FRS-Control-Data-Creation FRS-Control-Inbound-Backlog FRS-Control-輸出待辦專案 FRS-Directory-Filter FRS-DS-Poll FRS-Extensions FRS-Fault-Condition FRS-File-Filter FRS-Flags FRS 層級限制 FRS-Member-Reference FRS-...
Filter expressions for these three views can be expressed like this: Copy (ComputerGroup='ASP.NET Instrumented Module') AND (ResolutionState<>'Resolved') (Source='WMI') AND (ResolutionState<>'Resolved') AND (Description LIKE '__CLASS=ASPNET_ErrorEvent*') (Source='WMI') AND (Resolution...
As an administrator we are tasked to do many things and items like group policy and WMI objects help greatly. However, not every Administrator has the confidence to use WMI filters. Below is a bunch of OS WMI filter strings that should help any Administrator in a pinch. ...
PS C:\windows\system32> Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\RS_MSSQLServer\v13\Admin" -class MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting -ComputerName myrshost -filter "InstanceName='MSSQLSERVER'" 查詢可用的方法和屬性若要查看其中一個 Reporting Services WMI 類別中可用的方法和...
Hardware TypeWMIRemarks NamespaceClassFilter BIOSroot/CIMV2Win32_BIOS Bluetoothroot/CIMV2Win32_PnPEntityPNPClass='Bluetooth' CPUroot/CIMV2Win32_Processor Floppy Diskroot/CIMV2Win32_LogicalDiskMediaType IS NOT NULLANDMediaType != 0ANDMediaType != 11ANDMediaType != 12MediaTypecan also be used to...
To return a specific class instance when multiple instances are returned, use the -Filter parameter to filter the results based on properties with unique values such as InstanceName. For example, to return only the WMI object for the default report server instance, use the following command: ...
Computer Memory you can get from Win32_ComputerSystem -> TotalPhysicalMemory CPU counter you can get from Win32_PerfFormattedData_Counters_ProcessorInformation -> PercentProcessorTime; the first collection entry returns total for all processors and cores, the 2nd entry all cores of...