With the filter showing only the lines or operations that include "Win32_NTLogEvent", the results are:Expand table LevelSourceEvent IDDescription Information Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity 11 CorrelationId = {345E5566-0000-0000-0000-68343241D901}; GroupOperationId = 30641; OperationId = 30642; ...
Yes, you’re right. "select * from ds_computer where" will return the same result on all clients without filter like ds_name = %computername%. However, %computername% cannot be used in WMI filter. Currently, we have two options: 1. Create a MOF file and fill some information on cli...
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "Name='notepad.exe'" | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate If you use the -ComputerName or -CIMSession parameters with the Get-CimInstance cmdlet and pipe the resulting object to the Invoke-CimMethod cmdlet, the method is invo...
To return a specific class instance when multiple instances are returned, use the -Filter parameter to filter the results based on properties with unique values such as InstanceName. For example, to return only the WMI object for the default report server instance, use the following command: ...
Add a filter from the table, if required, and limit the output to a single property or selection of properties, instead of all properties:WMIC.EXE /Node:"%Node%" Path Win32_Printer Where "Local=TRUE AND NOT PrintProcessor='winprint'" Get DriverName /Format:Value...
$x = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process -Filter “Name=’calculator.exe'” $x.Terminate() You can use this: Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Process -Filter “Name=’calculator.exe'” | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate Without any doubt, the best feature of the CIM cmdlets is CIM ses...
You can provide the names of multiple computers in a command line at the same time if you like:Copy /node:"server1","server2" process get name, workingsetsize In a multi-node query like this, it makes good sense to ask for the computer name as well, otherwise you might not know ...
Other overloads of GetInstances allow you to connect to remote machines (by specifying System.Management.ManagementScope pointing to a remote path), and filter out the resultset by specifying a query string. You can also specify which properties you are inter...
Local account token filter policy is reported (Vista and above) Unexpected binaries in the WBEM folder The Windows Firewall is enabled Some WMI service installed in the machine are dependent on the WMI service (i.e. "SMS Agent) WMI ADAP has a status different than 'running' ...
implements the service) for the SQL instance. You can change the SQLServiceType to a different value to get the Binary Path folder for other services as well. The value is the above code is set to 1 for the Database Engine. The ServiceName parameter can be used to filter down the ...